I need your help with my problem... I have not had ick in a very long time and I got these 2 baby blue tangs to go into my FOWLR 180G tank... Well I think they had a slight outbreak before I got them because I got them the day they were delivered to the LFS... I lent out my QT tank to a friend so i was treating the tank with "Stop Parasite" since I was reading that you recommend that and you say it works great...
I used 2 bottles of it and the whole day the ick is not on the fish but when I turn lights off and wake up in the morning it is all over them again... But throughout the day I am watching them and the spots tend to come off only to go back on at night... So last night since the meds or not working I got my QT tank back and put them in there and started the hypo... But trying to catch them I think really stressed them out because this morning the lower half of the body was turning white... And to top it off when I lowered the Salinity I forgot to watch the PH since I was trying to do it before work so the PH went down to 7.7 or so, when I remembered at work I rushed back home and mixed some PH buffer and raised it back up... My wife is testing right now, but do you think I should have just kept treating them even though the spots were still coming back? And how come none of my other fish have it? I feed with Garlic and have a varied diet of everything... They are still eating good but I want to save them, Whats my best solution?
Sorry for the long post
I need your help with my problem... I have not had ick in a very long time and I got these 2 baby blue tangs to go into my FOWLR 180G tank... Well I think they had a slight outbreak before I got them because I got them the day they were delivered to the LFS... I lent out my QT tank to a friend so i was treating the tank with "Stop Parasite" since I was reading that you recommend that and you say it works great...
I used 2 bottles of it and the whole day the ick is not on the fish but when I turn lights off and wake up in the morning it is all over them again... But throughout the day I am watching them and the spots tend to come off only to go back on at night... So last night since the meds or not working I got my QT tank back and put them in there and started the hypo... But trying to catch them I think really stressed them out because this morning the lower half of the body was turning white... And to top it off when I lowered the Salinity I forgot to watch the PH since I was trying to do it before work so the PH went down to 7.7 or so, when I remembered at work I rushed back home and mixed some PH buffer and raised it back up... My wife is testing right now, but do you think I should have just kept treating them even though the spots were still coming back? And how come none of my other fish have it? I feed with Garlic and have a varied diet of everything... They are still eating good but I want to save them, Whats my best solution?
Sorry for the long post