help me out


Active Member
what is the samllest size tank you can put 1 or 2 clownfish in.. also someone said to oversize your filter.. is this true
is a 10-15 gallon 2 small for 1-2 clownfish.i have freshwater fish and am new at the saltwater and dnt have ne thin set up. clownfish get only 3-5 inches... right?
also how hrd are the small tanks to keep stable? with what


Active Member
I would say that if this is all you are planning on then a 20-30 gallon should work just fine. I wouldn't get an anemone if your lighting isn't right, meaning very very bright--Metal halide. Just so that you know, smaller tanks are very hard to keep stable. But it can be done. Just keep up with the water changes.


Depends on white type of clown fish you are talking about. There are several different kinds and some of them get quite big. Also you may want to be carefull putting two of the same clowns in a small tank. I made that mistake with two tomatoe clowns. If they are percula clowns you can get away with them in a smaller tank and they get along well with other percula clowns.
As for the question regarding oversizing the filter what kind of filter are you talking about? Are you using a sump?


Originally Posted by Anonome
I wouldn't get an anemone if your lighting isn't right, meaning very very bright--Metal halide.
I thought the same thing, and I could be wrong, BUT...I was told that MH lights are toos trong for a 20-30 gallon, unless you get a high.


Active Member
you CAN fit 1-2 clowns (of the percula nature, the ones you're probably thinking of) in a 10 gallon, thats what most 10's have in them. I'm 16 and have had no problems wiht water quality or anything in my 10 gallon, and i have 1 clownfish.


Active Member
in a 10 you have 1 clownfish, could i fit 2 or just one?
what are the water qualities that you have to keep up with besides the ph and how much salt and amoneia in the water. Im thinkin og the clowns that are orange and white and purple/white and yellow...


well, the "purple, white, and yellow" clownfish are called Maroon Clownfish. They are known to be aggresive. The "orange and white" clownfish are called percula(or false, it depends) clownfish. You can not keep a maroon clownfish and a percula clownfish togather in one tank unless it is a HUGE tank (so they can establish territories). If you do, more then likely the percula clownfish will die. In my opinion i wouldn't keep more then one clownfish in a 10 G tank. On another note, you cannot keep ONE maroon clownfish in a 10 gal by itself, because maroon clownfish will grow to big for it.


Active Member
You can put two clowns (not maroons) in a 10. Here is a pic of mine. I had 3 fish in my ten at one point, really... i'm sure that the tank wont blow up, just as logn as they are small and have enough room to hang out, like my clown probably only swims in a 3 inch area around my frogspawn.
Here is it in my frogspawn and the other is the rest of my tank, the frogspawn is right to the right of what is shown.



Active Member
you can ptu 20 in, thats what i see when i got to lfs's..... but 2 is a good number for a ten gallon, but really only if they are perculas, for they dont get more than an inch or so, so the inch to gallon ratio is fine.