Help me pick a tang


Active Member
I have a 150 gal, 6 ft tank. I want to add a tang to my mix
current fish
lrg false perc female
pj cardinal
royal gramma
purple fire fish
blue green cromis
want to add.
small false perc (my male died)
bi-color blenny
eng gobie or jaw fish
one tang
which would you pick-I want one that is a little more hardy, and not a big bully
Here are the ones I like
yellow tang
blue hippo
I only want one


toss up between the blue hippo and the yellow for me, my blue looks very pretty but my yellow has much more personality


Active Member
Have you thought about a powder brown? Im pretty sure they are heartier than the powder blues. I would also go with the jawfish over the engineer goby. A lot of people that have them say they are the tank clown.


Active Member
I like the hippo too, though I've just had problem after problem with mine (first ich, now HLLE that I can't seem to get totally rid of). If you're considering a scopas, what about a Desjardini sailfin? They're really neat. Purples are cool too. I'd probably go with anything in the Zebrasoma species if you want something hardy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
sure, just want something a little more hardy and not too pushy
didnt mean for everybody to just start throwing out every tang ever known to you. i was going to suggest a convict tang though. not many people keep them, and they're by far my favorite fish. look much better in person as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
i say you get a show size naso w/ streamers....those are my favorite
or a sailfin.
A naso would eventually get too big to keep in a 150, imo. They can get up to 18". The list she has definitely contains a few that would be perfect for her tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Have you thought about a powder brown? Im pretty sure they are heartier than the powder blues. I would also go with the jawfish over the engineer goby. A lot of people that have them say they are the tank clown.

I agree jawfosh over engineer goby. Engineer goby may topple your lr.
I vote either powder brown or powder blue


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shinobi9119
I agree jawfosh over engineer goby. Engineer goby may topple your lr.
I had an eng gobie in this tank last yr. I have most rocks on the glass, and a pvc stucture under the rest. Its all set for a digging fish.
my daughter loves that the eng looks like an eel, but I really love the color of a jaw fish
maybe i'll get both


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Teen, That was one I have considered. Do they change color as they get older?
ive only seen them as silver with those blackish colored stripes. maybe they do though, and i just dont recognize them as adults. very cool tang nontheless.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
didnt mean for everybody to just start throwing out every tang ever known to you. i was going to suggest a convict tang though. not many people keep them, and they're by far my favorite fish. look much better in person as well.
Yeah, these are really cool looking, though the only place I've ever seen them sold is here on this site..


Active Member
thanks everyone, I asked my hubby who really dosent like my tank, which he liked, and he said he would like a blue hippo, so I guess thats the one I will go with. I am tring to get him more interested in my hobby.