Help me please - I need info on feeding my snowflake


New Member
I just got my first eel, and I love it. It is about 8" long, and about as round as my little finger. Here is my question. How often should I feed him. I have heard everyday, every other day, and 2 times a week. I am giving him squid right now, but I plan on trying him on other stuff also. I would appreciate your help.


I also feed mine every other day, I have 2 one about your size and another about 1 1/2 ft they have not turned down anything I have tried to feed them They love freezed dry krill soaked in zoe. make sure the top of your tank is sealed there has been a couple of stories about them getting out the top. I agree with useing a feeding stick that way they stay on the bottom looking for food, enjoy. Good Luck


Active Member
I normally feed ours everyday, ours pops his head out usually just before feeding time, if hes not out, then I now he's not hungry.
I try to feed everyday to keep any problems for arising. I would say offer it everynight, if he won't eat, then remove the food, if he wants to eat nightly then you save yourself potental problems. We have never lost a fish or anything to him, I think its because he is well feed.


Active Member
My Snow is always the first one out when the lid opens. He has become a pig when it comes to food and eats everyday (loves Krill, People pre-cooked shrimp, and silversides. On the other hand my Golden Moray is more finicky about eating and by the time he has decided to take the food from the stick usually the Clown Trigger or Twin Spot Wrasse has it. I have tried using the feeding stick to wedge it under the rocks and hope he gets some. I have ordered one of those eel feeding tubes to see if that helps it out to get its fair share.