Help Me Please ICH


New Member
I have a mini reef aquarium and I bought a coral beauty off SWF and it had ich. My fiance didnt know any better and put it in while I was out of town. Now my sailfin, yellow eye, and scopas tang are sick. I've never had to deal with ich, what do i do?


Active Member
1) scold your fiance!! lol
2) check out the sticky at the top of this forum. The best treatments for ich are hyposalinity (preferred) and copper.
I have the same problem with my coral beauty...I've put it in my Fish ONly/Quarantine Tank before putting it in my reef tank. Three days later, there are ich spots...I have Kent RX/P, copper safe and a medication with malachite green My first question is what's the safe level that the fish can tolerate. Second question is should I put those stuff at the same time? Please help:help:
What's the lowest SG to have during Hypo and for how long? Can I do Hypo while putting CopperSafe in the water or just one method would do?


Staff member
As for the reef setup, you are in trouble, sorta.
Take a look at the posts on ich and hyposalinity in the FAQ Thread.
For the FO hobbyist, you can hypo right in the tank. But no inverts or LR.


I am using Kick Ich for ich and it is working extremely well. It is safe for reef and inverts.


Staff member
Loopy, that is bad advise, IMO. You can say whatever about your own tank or exp, but to tell people how good it is generally is just bad advise, and dangerous to anyone who might actually believe it.


Yeah, any of those products aren't a guarantee. I learned that the hard way...if you have QT than is the best cure and easiest...believe me, I am still a newbie and can do this quite well.


Active Member
in the fish only tank, ur best off using hypo, copper is the worst possible thing u can put in ur tank imo because it will ruin all of ur future ideas of putting in any inverts. get ur salinity down to 1.009 in the course of about 1 1/2 weeks- 2 weeks. leave it like that for several days, and then over the course of a week or two, raise it back to about 1.023 or ur usual levels. in a reef tank, ur best off taking any fish out, and leaving ur main tank fishless for a little over a month because no fish=no host for ick= no ick:D. then u can move ur fish back in from the quarantine tank that uve been treating ur fish in:)