The regular T5 bulb for my tank broke and now, i dont know what to do, how long is the warranty? i still have the receipt! its not over a year old! now only the actinic works and my corals have only that for thier light source, it looks cool but wont this be bad for my corals long term? i cant afford a new bulb at all, and if i cant replace the old one will my corals die? :'( this sucks!


Originally Posted by andrewjardin http:///forum/thread/380923/help-me-please-what-do-i-do#post_3315960
The regular T5 bulb for my tank broke and now, i dont know what to do, how long is the warranty? i still have the receipt! its not over a year old! now only the actinic works and my corals have only that for thier light source, it looks cool but wont this be bad for my corals long term? i cant afford a new bulb at all, and if i cant replace the old one will my corals die? :'( this sucks!
If you can't afford one or two bulbs, frankly, you're in the wrong hobby. Sorry, but that's the honest truth, T5 bulbs don't cost that much in the grand schem of things, especially in this hobby.
Your corals will perish without lights unless you have all none photosynthetic corals, and I'm going to venture a guess that you don't just non photosynthetics if you have a T5 fixture. Yes, the actinics make the colors pop, but they don't do much for the corals. Daylight is a different wave length than what is offerend from an actinic bulb.


And in all honesty, not to sound like a b*tch, but if you can't afford a $40 bulb, you are in the wrong hobby...