Help me please


Hello all please help me i got a 65gal
Monday i was in a rush to get it all setup and when i put in the sand in i forgot to rinse it. Did i need to rinse it before i put in in the tank or is that ok? then when i put the water in the tank the water was all cloudy and fomey white stuff was ontop of the water and on the sides!
How do i get my water clear?? will i have to empty all the water out or what please help :help: :help: :help:
i would also like to say sorry
for rushing to get the tank setup i was just so excited


it will settle and you can then vacuum it via siphon to get off surface dirt. you will know better next time to rinse it. if you have not added anything else to the tank, consider mixing it up and taking as much water out as possible. that is another way to get the crap outa there but probably overkill. i doubt there is anything toxic in there.


thank you i rather do over kill then nothing at all

but if anyone else has info let me know


JMO, but you shouldn't rinse your sand. Especially if it is LS. Everyone goes through the dustcloud experience when setting up there tank. LOL. One time, when I done it, the sand formed like a gritty kind of sandpaper on the sides of my tank, and I had to go and scrape it off with a razor blade. The whole time I thought it was my water still being foggy, but it was'nt. Anyways, it should clear up in 2-3 days.


Originally Posted by Ray28576
JMO, but you shouldn't rinse your sand. Especially if it is LS. Everyone goes through the dustcloud experience when setting up there tank. LOL. One time, when I done it, the sand formed like a gritty kind of sandpaper on the sides of my tank, and I had to go and scrape it off with a razor blade. The whole time I thought it was my water still being foggy, but it was'nt. Anyways, it should clear up in 2-3 days.

sound like great advise just wait it out.


Hi all thanks for your help and everything what i did was i cleaned out the filter twice both times it was filled with sand and the sand cloged it all up. then i fill the tank the rest of the way about 5-6 gal. Now my tank is all clear