help me please


Active Member
Originally Posted by malindamunoz
OMG my bubbles is going to die.... ohhh no
most likely sorry about that ,that really sucks anyhow i would get double the live rock, substrate is either sand or crushed coral.u need ammonia nitire and nitrate test kits and what is your sg again and how are u testing that


Active Member
Yep, at this point, I would take the livestock out and try to see if you can get credit for them at another store. Unfortunately, the yellow tang might be too far gone.
I would use the store credit that you get toward getting another 30 to 40 more pounds of live rock.
You will also need an ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and kH test kit.


Active Member
How much live sand?
What kind of filter is that? IMO id go with larger filter than what my tank is. unless you plan on getting a skimmer. Do you plan on getting a skimmer??
Are you using your heater? What is your temp of you tank? and does it change a lot during the day and night?
Yeah id def try to get some store credt soon.


New Member
i have a tester for the salt levels and its at 1.025 when i cked it yesterday it was 1.024 so i figured the level of salt were fine.... so its a little high right now and i am using a hydrometer.... i just added some h2o


New Member
the temp stays at 77
and it doesnt change much i try to keep it at 77 and so far i have done that
i am not sure what a skimmer is or if i have one and the tang is getting worse


Active Member
yeah I didnt even think to ask what kind of water you were using...
I hear Hydrometers are inaccuarate a lot of the time, but I am still using one myself and I dont know why. I just havent ordered a refractormeter yet im just to lazy to even do that. Matter fact i think i will order one right now I really need to.


Active Member
Sorry about your tang. It doesnt seem like its going to make it. Thats good that your temp doesnt change, but i like mine at 78-79, but im sure that little degree isnt a big difference.
You can search forums on here about protein skimmers on this website. I love mine and wouldnt start a tank without, besides for my little ten gallon saltwater thats cycling. But it pulls out a ton of junk out the tank just search it on here. And if you had one you would know


Active Member
RO/DI is ultra-pure water that you can find at any grocery store or Wal-Mart. RO/DI stands for Reverse Osmosis De-Ionized.


Active Member
Originally Posted by malindamunoz
just tap water.... i dont know what else to use
for salt water tanks u want to use reverse osmosis water ,tap has all types of impuritys in it .hope were not makeing your head spin


Active Member
Tap wter equals bad things in your water. Ammonia phosphates etc... so try to stay away form tap water.. matter fact STAY away from it, but some people use it in there tank but imp better safe than sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by malindamunoz
i am just stressed and i feel really bad for the fish....
take a deep breath whats done is done


Active Member
Just a little mistake and listening to the lfs who only wants your money. my lfs sotre guy is really nice though and knows what hes talking about.
Just dont give up on the hobby its very rewarding in the end. You will be out of a few dollars though lol


New Member
well i want to thank everyone on here for the help that was given i will but good water and a test kit as well.... its getting late and i need to relax b 4 i go to bed. thank you again


Active Member
RO water is Reverse Ozmosis water, and DI is deionized - probably totally mispelled those. You need to be using at least RO water, which can be bought at walmart for under 50 cents a gallon. These types of waters are filtered, so things like bacteria, silicites, which are not found in the ocean do not get into your tank. If you use tap water you will run into tons of problems, algea down the road and your fish probably won't be as healthy.
I agree with what everyone said, you need reture the fish and any living creatures in your tank, take a step back, read up on the hobby (i've been reading this site for near a month and i've learned TONS), and buy some testing kits.
Test your water not only to find out what the levels are, but also for practice, i would personally once your tank has cycled also practice some water changes before buying livestock so that you can get used to the routine. Better to mess something up w/o anything living in the tank.
1. Return fish
2. Read Read Read
3. Buy testing equipment
4. Read Read Read
5. Test water
6. Read Read Read
7. Buy fish (one at a time so it doesn't throw off your parameters)
Good luck, keep us posted!