Help Me Please


I had a beautiful 55 gallon reef tank. Last sun we added some new live rock and re arranged some things. I think my heater went or was bumped . I woke up mon morning and alll my fish,crabs, snails, lobster and shrimps were dead!! Not to mention most of my corals!
I have 2 leathers, 1 galaxia, 2 trumpits and 2 brown polyp rocks left (hanging on a thread for dear life). Since mon till thur everyday I did a 10 gallon water change added stress coat, ammonia loc 2 ect. Although the levels came down slightly it still has not gone to normal. I cannot xfer anything out to my other tank because I have triggers and eels in it.
Before all this I had zenial, mushrooms and polyps reproducing.. Now I have nothing
Does anyone have an idea on how I can get the levels down more to save whats left if possible!?
You mentioned that you added new rock..
I'd suspect the rock, not the heater.
Reason I say that is that you might have had massive die-off from the rock, which caused your levels to skyrocket, causing the death you had in the tank.
I'd QT the new rock in a separate tank for a while to make sure.


Well...there are many things that may have gone wrong here. My first question would be is how many lbs of LR did you add and was it cured? Also, why do you suspect your heater? Was your water temp high?
Also - stay away from the stress coat and the ammo lock - they don't work. Any drop in levels probabply occured naturally. BTW, what were your levels.


As of last test done my ph was 8.0
Ammonia- 0.50
nitrite- .25
nitrate-- 10
That is good now considering the levels on mon.
The place I bought my live rock was from a place that I always deal with and these rocks have been there a while . In this fish store all there reef is on one system. I have added rock from them before without a problem. I added 3 big pieces not sure of the weight because they did not charge me by the pound this time.


Active Member
i would suspect adding all the rock at the one time. if you dont know for sure if it was cured, you prabably had a major die off. i woudl suggest addign a poly-filter right away as it will help to remoove any nasty organics that might still be around in your tank
sorry to hear about your crash. keep your chin up, and good luck


You may want to remove the rock and let it cure. It sounds like you had some major die off at some point and it has kicked your tank into cycle. I would contact your LFS and what is up w the LR though. I'm sorry to say, their isn't much that you can do except get the rock out (stated above) or get what is left alive out until it is safe to put them back in.


You never did say what the temp was at or why you suspect your heater. Also, with ammonia and nitrite levels raised I too would have to lean toward the newly added live rock being the problem.