Help Me! Pretty Please? I'll


Active Member
<quote> has a 36" 305 watt fixture that includes one 175 watt halide and two 65 watt PC for $179. That would give you an extra 45 watts and a halide. Perhaps you could just put lower light corals off to the sides</quote>
This is what I would do if I were you, with a 200.00 budget. It fits right in
and give you the light penetrating power of MH. It's new and not somebody elses problem their getting rid of. I dont know what brand that is as I havent looked. But it will accomodate you're wants as far as giving you the right PAR with depth penetration. You're gonna want some moonlights too, that can be fixed real easy, for about 20.00-30.00. When you get em let me know and I'll show you how to DIY 'em. Its not hard at all. to do. Also consider looking for T5's in you're range if you dont want this fixture. You'll be much happier with them than PC's. There are alot of people claiming to have success with the T's and being able to keep anything they want. I have them but dont have enough time with them to satisfactorily state that this is so. Also I have No anemones as of yet.You can allways later on add a MH with them if you want to_Of course you can add the MH later with the PCS too. Realize it will be some time before the anemone can be added, as they need a mature tank to prosper. So having the MH yet is not a have to thing. Or if the size of the fixture you get doesnt grant you enough room to add a MH, you can sell the one you have and upgrade at that time. I know, I know, why not get what you want now and not plan on upgrading? Because you're budget right now doesnt allow.
But I would look at the one posted above first.
Hope this helps!


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
I had a LTA under 4- 96watt PC's for 5 years, on the bottom of my 75g. Now he is in my 210g on the bottom under 3-250 MH's and looks the same
COOOOLLL! Nice LTA... Im gonna see if i can get my Clown to go in an take a pic but he usually only goes in to feed it or to sleep! GOOD LUCK!


Originally Posted by landolakes
I would not get those for any anenomes. They are right up at the top even with halides and are very light demanding. I would look for a reef club/society in your area and buy some halides from someone, you can usually get them really cheap. I also have the that system and I am satisfied but they definately will not support an anenome in my tank.
Hey, what is this? Reef clubs in my area?????