Help me set up the perfect 260 gallon reef!


New Member
I appreciate all the input acrylic. The aquacontroller pro does look AWESOME. It is incredibly feature rich. You are absolutely right on taking my time and researching as well. I've learned a bunch of stuff just researching some of the equipment that was suggested in this thread.
I think I'm going to take about six months to get this tank up and running and be sure I do it right all the way through. It looks like I still have plenty of research and learning to do about ozonizers and CO2 injectors and calcium reactors. Running a smaller tank most of these were items I'd never even considered using.
I appreciate everyones input and if there's any further suggestions I'll definitely be checking back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hatebreed
Also, I'm interested in the accuracy of the digital calcium and salinity monitors. Any input on these is appreciated as well!
Salinity meter I haven't bought yet, but considering the purchase, but the Calcuim meter!!!!!!
not worth the money's more a hassle than's easier to pull the test kit out IMO.