help me start a new nano tank


New Member
I'm thinking of doing a 10, or should i do a 15, 20, 29? anyway, wanting something smaller than what I used to have. I had a 60 gallon saltwater setup previously, but lost it in the divorce, so can someone guide me to all the equipment necessary for a 10g or so? I miss my fish. : (
I was thinking of doing a couple 10g's possibly, just give me some ideas. Is a emperor 400 too big for this? how about a 280?
I had a 280 on the 60g, and thought it wasn't enough, but it seemed to work ok. I was just thinking a 400 would really be good for a small tank in terms of turning the water over. I don't know. I'm probably crazy. : )
What about powerheads? Livesand from home depot? How much? Live rock or no live rock? I was wanting to put a couple damsles in one tank. Maybe do a clown in another. Ideas?


Hey, welcome to the board.
If you're merely haveing a single clowrn or a couple damsels. A bit of live sand, around 10 or so pounds of live rock, a pair of maxi-jet power heads, and I don't think you're even need an external filter. Maybe have one on it without the media just for occasional carbon bags, and extra circulation.


Hey james welcom to the board and sorry about the divorce =(
Anyway what size do you want? Its all up to you. What kind of things do you want to keep which species of fish?
I have an eclipse 12 gallon. Its an acrylic tank and comes with a michanical filter and is a really nice looking setup. The filter fits right above the tank and is hidden by the hood. The hood also contains the lighting which isn't any good for corals but is easy to upgrade.
Some people don't reccomend them but I think there pretty cool. If you give everyone more info on what you want they can give you more help.


New Member
well, i'd be interested in exactly what i would need to just start a 10g nano for now with one clown in it, no corals or anything since i've never done that before, just wanting to get back into the hobby and start small, have fun, and keep one fish. maybe throw in a shrimp or a crab, i dunno.
what sand should i get, where from? i've only done crushed coral before with an underground filter ( YES, I KNOW, DON'T START YELLING AT ME! ) but anyway, it worked good and was established for about 2 years. can i get sand from home depot? does it have to be live to start? how much live rock should i get?
again, exactly what equipment should i get, if you could list it out. i appreciate it. thanks again all,


i was told to buy a min. of 1 lb per gallon of live sand and live rock. you can get both from the Local Fish Shop. I put a bag of 20 or 25lbs of live sand in my 10 gallon and i probably have close to 30-35lbs of live rock.


The tank is up to you, but here is some basic equipment you will need.
-50 watt Ebo-Jagger heater
-small power-head
-some kind of hang on filter would be easiest
-around 15 lb of southdown argonite sand
-test kits
As for the rock it really depends on how full you want your tank to look. I have 17 lb of it in my 12 gallon and it looks nice. You could always start small and get more if you need too.


my 10 gal contains-10-15 lbs of lr,1/4 inch cc,(had 3in southdown sand bed and worked great-just wanted more room) heater,kept about 80*,sm-aqua hang on,301 ph,2-15wtt lights,polyps,shrooms,sm clown,sm chromis,shrimp,tiny brittle star,snails,sponges,zoos,..hth