Help me Start Right, what fish and corals?


Thanks for all the replies. I now plan on getting either a Coral Beauty or a Flame. I am slowly adding live rock to the tank as my budget will allow. I am currently seeding the tank with calcium so the live rock will spread. The coraline algae is spreading to my lace rock.
I now have about all the corals that I think I want, yeah right. A green mushroom, toadstool leather (came with 4 polyps on the rock), orange sponge fan, 2 Condilactus Anenonomes. All this for 31$. We will see how it goes.
How can a UV filter hurt the tank? Isn't it supposed to help control parasites and algae?
I accidentally bought one that is rated for 500 gallon tank. I run it all the time. I haven't had any fish die. The corals above have only been in the tank for about 3 weeks.
Have a good holiday season.
P.S. Adam has been smoking the crack pipe!