help me stock my reef tank; please!


I currently have a 75 gallons tank which I want to turn it into a reef/fish tank.
so far, I have one yellow tang and a damsel.
can you guys give me ANY combination of fish I could put in? As in numbers, species, etc.
thank you so much!


No to burst your bubble, the yellow tang should have been the last fish added. It will be aggresive to any new fish that you add. I know, I have one an he is very beligerant towards any other fish I put in there.
My 75g has:
1 - 3" yellow tang
1- flame angel
3 - Green Chromis
1 - Banggai cardinal
2 - (mated) False percula
2 - scissortail gobies
1 - Yellow head sleeper goby
Crabs, Shrimps, snails
I added the Flame Angel after the tang. The tang harrassed the heck out of it for the first couple of days.
Months later I tried to add a Copperbanded Butterfly fish - didn't last, I had to take the Butterfly out - the tang never did except it. It's now in my reef tank.
Just doesn't like similar shape/colored fish.
Just expect trouble, is all I'm advising.


Oh man, that is a bad news! :(
at least he gets along with my damselfish.. lol.
Thank you for the warning, I will try to watch the type of fish I introduce.
He wouldn't eat the invertebrates would he?


No, he won't bother the invertebrates. I would recommend a cleaner shrimp or two if you don't have one already. My tang is always being cleaned by these little guys. Helps with any parasite problems.
A p.s. to the above post..when you introduce a fish that the tang seems to harrass, feed the tank before you put the fish in. And then keep the lights off for a day. This helps to settle everyone in.
There are fish in my tanks that the tang takes no notice of:
Longnose Hawkfish
He just doesn't like Angels & butterfly fish - the bodies may be too similiar or they are as big as he is and he sees them as competition.


:D Oh ok, thank you again. I am not too good to keep angels or butterfly fish yet so that's a good news ;)


it's currently in the quarantine/resorvoir tank right now. Still trying to get him eat something but I doubt that he will be in the main tank. Mayeb a week later or so. ;)