help me with cycline


New Member
thanks for the awnser to my question but I kinda need to know that since I already have my fish in then am I done with cycling forever with this tank??


New Member
I ran my tank for 3 months then put fish in for about another 2 months so about a total of 5 months. and if you have a chance could you look on my other thread it is titled Brown Rocks! if you have a chance....thanks


Active Member
Could you give us the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
The nitrogen cycle is an ongoing process in your tank. It is what prevents the water from becoming toxic. You should never see ammonia or nitrites above zero in an established tank.
You mentioned rocks - are they live rocks? or decorative?
You could try blowing the brown stuff off with a turkey baster (preferably one designated for fish tank only).
Any inverts in your tank, like snails, hermits, shrimp?


New Member
I don't have monitors for amonia, nitrite or nitrate. and I have no inverts in my tank as of now. would you sugest some and if so what kind. I have crushed coral.


Active Member
I would strongly urge you get some test kits for Ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and test your own water before adding anything else to the tank. You mentioned that you had a damsel and a clown - both of those are fairly hardy. Inverts tend to be more sensitive to changing water conditions.


New Member
thanks for all the help. do you know of any fairly hardy fish that are less then 20 but still really neat??