Help me with making a decision on PC lighting


Active Member
I have another question about lighting for my soon to be 55gal reef aquarium. I'm most likely going to go with PC's (power compacks) since I cant really afford Mh(metal haids), and MOST all the corals I want to keep I can with these. My Question is should I go with a retro kit and canopy, or a complete hood system? I do want to have lunors since I've heard they are really help alot. I really like the look of a canopy but am afraid that its to difficult to do and would be more expensive. What do you guys think? Comments and suggestions are welcome.


i got a coral life 260 watt setup and im really happy with it. i dont think ill be setting up my own lighting since i dont want to burn my building to the ground
i just started the coral and anemone stuff. so far i got a batch of yellow poylps, and a bubble tip under it and they seem nice and happy.(of course polyps grow under anything almost lol)i'd just go with the complete hood,just my opinion tho :D
P.s the lunars make the tank beautiful at night i think.


Active Member
Thanks so much for replying. Do they catch fire easy? :notsure: I'm still a mewb to reef stuff.


Active Member
i have a canopy made of press board and painted a matte black... anyways i have the power compact retro fit kit system under my canopy... 470 watts total over my 100 gallon tank.... i have to seperate tops that life up with hinges that lock to keep it open... works really good and hides all of the equipment i have for the tank.... i also have 2 3" cpu fans cut into the sides to help air flow.... with canopy's you need to have air flowing through to help disipate the heat.... i like canopys personally but its all a matter of taste... heres a pic of my canopy with lights


Active Member
Thanks alot for sharing, that helps me out alot. I have a couple questions for you. Did you install the lights your self? If so was it hard to do? And was it cheaper than a complete hood system? I really like the look of a canopy alot.


Active Member
yeah i installed them myself.... it was very easy to do....
took me about 20 mins to hook them all up and i have them runnin off of a timer system too so that there is a morning efect day time and evening... i think canopys look nice too... heres a pic with the top down so u can see what it looks like with the canopy on the tank....
overall if u can use a screw driver to screw them into the top of the canopy and twist the wires together to connect the ballast and lights you should have no problem by far very easy to set up and i have had no prob with overheating or anything like that....
heres a few more pics


I have a standard 55 gal with a 4x65 dual daylight dual actinic with moonlights and they have been working great for me. Only paid 180 for it.


Active Member
Thanks alot! I have a couple questions for you. What brand is it coralife,current usa, etc? Do you have it complete hood or built into a canopy?


I got the Jebo Odyssea 260watt for 140shipped, comes with 4 moon lights. I think its really awsome, they are real actinic lights, i am very very very happy with my purchase.


Originally Posted by JayC
Thanks alot! I have a couple questions for you. What brand is it coralife,current usa, etc? Do you have it complete hood or built into a canopy?

I don't have a hood or a canopy I just have the legs that came with the unit. I was debating on putting a glass top on but decided it wouldn't be good for gas exchange. I don't have any fish that are considered jumpers so I am ok without a hood. hope that helps. By the way it is a Satellite Assy.


New Member
Get a canopy and retro kit. It only takes about 10 minutes to install the kit on the canopy and in my opinion looks alot better than having an open tank. You'll also have less water loss from evapation. I have a 55 tank and the canopy and lights were less than $300 for both.