help me with my fish tank


New Member
hey i am starting a 29g salt water tank.
but at the pet stores that i have bin to they
say that i need a black lite and some say that do not need a black lite
so do i need a black lite or not and i dont know if i will have a reef tank
p.s. can you give me like 10 easy steps on starting a salt water tank
and this will be my first salt water tank bye
thank you for all your help


Active Member
Ten Easy Steps...
1. Get a book...
2. Open the Book...
3. Read the Book...
4. "Comprehend" the book...
5. If step 4 isn't working...Re-read the Book...
6. Get another Book...
7. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4...(possiably 5 as well)
8. Having "grasped" the basic concepts from steps 1-7 ... "Decide" what fish you want to keep...
9. Purchase a tank sized to fit the fish you want...Rather than trying to find fish that will "fit" the tank you have...
10. Get another book...or ask questions on a board like SWF where we can help you work out your "plan"...
After that it's just water, sand, salt, and rocks...hook up your filtration, cycle the tank and add fish...


Do what Squidd says and NO you do not need a black light. Some people have even said that black lights are harmful to fish and/or corals. Bang Guy is doing an experiment right now to determine if that is true or not. But you definitely do NOT need a black light. I suggest you don't go back to whatever store or salesperson that said that you do.