help me with my tank...


I started my 10 gallon tank thursday night, only been 3 days. My bro-in-law gave me some sand, a little bag of live sand, and some live rock. I have also bought some live figi rock. I took some water into ***** to have it tested (dont have a home test kit yet) and he said all is good. there is not much ammonia or nitrites in the tank...he said it looks really good. My tank is REALLY CLEAR, my salinity level is between 1.023 and 1.024. Just worried im not doing something right. I have some feather dusters, they are out and happy..I see the little bugs that look like fleas or nats. Is it normal to have the levels im at. Just not sure what to do next...
How do I post pics on here to show u my tank? Says my file is too large...


What are you running for filtration? And your ammonia and nitrites should be up a little because your tank is going through the cycle.
Are you planning to run a reef or a fowlr?
the little bugs are pods and are benificial.


im not doing any reef..just fish and live rock. My filter is a whisper 20-40 gallon. It has LOTS of water moving around. Its pretty powerfull for my little 10 gallon. Here is a pic of it... not the best pic but here u are.


Get your own kit. It'll save you a lot of headache.
I'd still add a small powerhead too. Maybe a maxijet 400.
The little bugs are normal and it's good that you have them.