help me with my upgrade


New Member
I bought an established 55 gallon tank about two years ago. Rock is covered in purple, corals are thriving,everything good. I now have a 120 gallon,new sump,new led lights,ect. I want to transfer the rock and livestock from the old tank to the new one. I have new live sand I want to use and plan on using some of the old sand in the new refugium. My question is do I need to cycle the new tank even if i use my old rock? I do plan on getting more rock since the tank is bigger. Any questions or comments are greatly appreciated. Thank!


New Member
Hi dave

It depends on the quality of the rock you buy and how much you currently have........Definately keep your old sand in the refugium, you could probably pull it off but I would be testing your water 2 times daily. What is in the 55 gallon currently? Fish, what kind of corals etc?
There are much more experianced and more qualified people to help you out here though


Originally Posted by thingfishdave http:///forum/thread/386747/help-me-with-my-upgrade#post_3398703
I bought an established 55 gallon tank about two years ago. Rock is covered in purple, corals are thriving,everything good. I now have a 120 gallon,new sump,new led lights,ect. I want to transfer the rock and livestock from the old tank to the new one. I have new live sand I want to use and plan on using some of the old sand in the new refugium. My question is do I need to cycle the new tank even if i use my old rock? I do plan on getting more rock since the tank is bigger. Any questions or comments are greatly appreciated. Thank!
I have upgraded a few times through the past few years, always using fully cured live rock from established tanks and really don't go through the traditional cycling process of a new tank. Usually, I use new sand and see a few cups throughout the new sand with sand from my established tank. That, with the established live rock is usually enough to get things going.
Before I upgrade, I usually add extra foam blocks to my sump, then transfer them to the new sump along with the rock and new sand. Let that run for a few days, and then if tests look good, start moving some easier corals, then keep going from there. I've never lost a coral or fish (other than two that jumped on me).
I've done overnight upgrades as well when I don't have the room to keep the other tank running any longer. That's a little scarier/risky, but again, never lost a thing. Just keep a lot of Amquel and/or Prime and lots of extra water on hand in case of spikes.


New Member
Thanks! I have the new tank filled with water and the NEW live sand. Should I take a cup of the old sand and put it in the new tank even though I bought all live sand? Also the old sand I want to use in the rufugium I cant move untill last. I was worried that it would stir up some bad stuff. The old sand has been established for many years now.


What do you mean by "new" live sand? Was it "live sand" in a bag?
When I move sand from one tank to another I do it 2cups at a time.


New Member
Yes the new sand was bought in a bag. used the Carb-sea brand. Plan was to move the rock,corrals,fish,ect to the new tank. Then move the old established sand into the refugium, witch has nothing in it as of now. All 120+ gallons of water is new,didnt plan on using the old water. I did scoop a cup of old sand out and put it in the new tank, but only did this yesterday


Okay, well bagged sand isn't really "live". That being said, I think that you bought one of the better sands.
I would definitely seed it a few cups at a time with the established sand. Just keep testing parameters and you should be fine.