Help me with red slime algea PLEAZ


Does any1 have any tips on getting rid of red slime algea. i suck it out 1 day and 3 days later its full of it. My lights r fine. my nitrates r fine. My water is RO. i hardly feed my fish. I just dont know what to do any more. I dont have much water flow, could that be it??? If u can help me get rid of it ud be my all time hero PLEAZE ANY HELP IS WANTED


Active Member
Increase your water flow. When I had this problem I added a ph to the bottom of the tank for about 2 weeks and I haven't had a problem for about 8 months.


I had Cyano a couple of months ago. Mine was from my son overfeeding when I was out of town. I used AntiRed. I WOULD NOT use this unless you have tried all natural methods. Do a search on this forum, there are tons of solutions. If you end up using any med. follow the instructions to the tee. Good Luck.


if tried using meds. i bought the best of the best and it didnt help at all. I am trying to get another pump to add more flow tho and im praying it works.


Active Member
Really increase your waterchanges to a few times/week, cut back on lighting, increase flow, and manually siphon out the cyano.


Originally Posted by earlybird
Really increase your waterchanges to a few times/week, cut back on lighting, increase flow, and manually siphon out the cyano.

Agree... cut the photoperiod... huge difference....


I had constant red lagae problems because I had my tank in a area of high natural sunlight in my house. I had it in front of a big picture window.
After 6 months i finally got mad enough and tired enough of the red algae that I moved my 125 reef to a darker area of my home.
Problem was gone.


Active Member
i would turn your lights off for 3 days. it will make such a huge difference and it wouldnt hurt your corals or anything. doing this once and a while is pretty good for a tank and helps remove alot of algae.