Help Meeee Please


ok here is the situtation, we got an aquarium 3 weeks ago. not knowing anything about sw. we went to the only local place in town and he told us all we needed was .. 1 live rock 2 power heads 1 undergravel screen and some sw fish. this is what we now have a 55 gal. mess & a whole lot of $$$ spent because we had NO idea what we were doing oh yeah & 2 dead damsels & 1 dead puffer & 3 damsels that are still amazingly alive.
2 blue damsels
1 domino damsel
55gal aquarium
topfin. 60 filter
2- odyssea ex205 powerheads
50lbs of blue gravel
20lbs cc
5lb of lr
1- undergravel filter ( that we were told to hook the power heads to)
1 sw testing kit
1 bottle of tlc
we are having a hard time getting our nitrite leavels down & the ammonia keeps spiking.
I have a skimmer & skilter filter coming this week & I now know I need about 45lbs more of live rock. and a book
so you see how I need help?
Thanks in advance for all the help we greatly appreciate it. :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmkdline
ok here is the situtation, we got an aquarium 3 weeks ago. not knowing anything about sw. we went to the only local place in town and he told us all we needed was .. 1 live rock 2 power heads 1 undergravel screen and some sw fish. this is what we now have a 55 gal. mess & a whole lot of $$$ spent because we had NO idea what we were doing oh yeah & 2 dead damsels & 1 dead puffer & 3 damsels that are still amazingly alive.
2 blue damsels
1 domino damsel
55gal aquarium
topfin. 60 filter
2- odyssea ex205 powerheads
50lbs of blue gravel
20lbs cc
5lb of lr
1- undergravel filter ( that we were told to hook the power heads to)
1 sw testing kit
1 bottle of tlc
we are having a hard time getting our nitrite leavels down & the ammonia keeps spiking.
I have a skimmer & skilter filter coming this week & I now know I need about 45lbs more of live rock. and a book
so you see how I need help?
Thanks in advance for all the help we greatly appreciate it. :help:
1. get rid of the under gavel filter
2.get rid of the substrate and replace with live sand
3.get about 50 more lbs of live rock
u need to then wait about a month before your tank cycles before adding any fish


You need to read about the cycle periods.... Damsels are ok to add to a cycling tank! not really any other fish can survive the High amounts of Ammonia the cycle period will take about 21 days to a month. what you need is a saltwater test kit to tell let you know when the cycle is complete later when the cycle is finished you can add different fishes. The person that sold you this stuff should have not let you buy the puffer or any fish at the same time that you bought your tank... I usally wait 3 days till adding a damsel....
did you buy a Hydrometer, or Refractometer?
I have never had a problem w/ CC!
I have it in my 135g and I hear on here that the Undergravel filter is bad thats why I got rid of mine last year but I read all the time to have them w/ reverse flow with adding a powerhead to... so thats something that just might be oppinion and you don't need more live rock, Live rock is just going to help your tank cycle faster.... but for fish only you don't actually need it... it really helps you w/ your biological filter, and I recomend having it but it is really expensive It took me a year just to get over 100 lbs of it


Active Member
4. Never go back to that local pet store again
They sold you 5 damsels and a puffer for a 55 gallon tank that isnt cycled.


There is a book its called Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies..... I really liked this book coming into the hobby! leave your tank as it is and get this book..... its like 15 or 20 bucks at a bookstore but I got mine for 3.50 cents on E-Bay


Wow.... I'm ... just.... wow....
I'm really curious how and why you decided to just jump in head first without having a clue?
I mean I can see buying a car or a couch without doing research. You walk by a window and see the car... "oooh pretty car I'm going to buy it."
All cars are the same, do oil changes, etc.. But how on earth to do you decide to just unload a buttload of money and time into something that you have absolutely no knowledge about?
That's like giving a car to a 4th grader and telling them not to kill themselves or others.
You need to empty that tank and start over. You can't put anything alive in a tank until at least 3-4 weeks after it has been setup PROPERLY.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccg24
You need to read about the cycle periods.... Damsels are ok to add to a cycling tank! not really any other fish can survive the High amounts of Ammonia the cycle period will take about 21 days to a month. what you need is a saltwater test kit to tell let you know when the cycle is complete later when the cycle is finished you can add different fishes. The person that sold you this stuff should have not let you buy the puffer or any fish at the same time that you bought your tank... I usally wait 3 days till adding a damsel....
did you buy a Hydrometer, or Refractometer?
I have never had a problem w/ CC!
I have it in my 135g and I hear on here that the Undergravel filter is bad thats why I got rid of mine last year but I read all the time to have them w/ reverse flow with adding a powerhead to... so thats something that just might be oppinion and you don't need more live rock, Live rock is just going to help your tank cycle faster.... but for fish only you don't actually need it... it really helps you w/ your biological filter, and I recomend having it but it is really expensive It took me a year just to get over 100 lbs of it

Just because damsels are hardy does not mean that they like to be in a cycling tank there are better ways to cycle a tank without needlesly putting a damsel through the rigours of fluctuating water peramiters. Use a frozen whole shrimp or better yet a lot of patience....... THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENS FAST IN SALTWATER IS FALIURE!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
well whats done is done , i think your doing the right thing by comeing on here . ask lots of questions theres many people here that love to help also dont get discuraged, and be patient


Oh! and you'll find out some people on here are freaks when it comes to cycling tanks w/ Damsels! lol.... there real lovers of these fish..... but really later on you'll wish to have that Domino Damsel dead..... there really mean I had one of those that I adopted from a friend and it was trying to beat up on a 7 inch Lion Fish, lol....... There really mean! so are most Damsels but the domino (just to be mean to some Damsel lovers) I'd just take out and let him sufficate to death! just kidding!


Active Member
I am not a damsel lover i have one of little sob's in my tank they are hard to take out, not to mention ALWAYS knocking off my frags
, but there are other ways to cycle without killing or harming fish


If you can...take the living fish back. Get rid of the underground filter. Get living sand (no crushed coral). Get 45 lbs. of living rock and a couple of powerjets for circulation. If you can, replace the hydrometer with a refractor. Then, you can begin.......
The local fish shop was only interested in your $$$. You jumped in without research and the fish shop should of advised you seeing how this was your 1st tank.
Learn from your mistakes and you will have a great tank. Just takes a little time initially. Don't get will pay off. You are not the 1st to jump in.
Just get everything you need, that's the 1st step. Ask question here and you will get answers.


Okay so you could of gotten some cut up squid or just feeding your tank which all you would do is put food in an empty tank like your feeding fish!


cc vs. ls
ok you said get rid of the cc & get ls why?
I have read on hear good things on both.
the reason we got the tank was my sons hampster died after 5 years and so we thought this would be a good family project it is turning into one big nightmare. with a whole lot of $$$ lost & even more frustration. but I want to keep at it & learn I want to do a reef with fish & critters and stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmkdline
cc vs. ls
ok you said get rid of the cc & get ls why?
I have read on hear good things on both.
the reason we got the tank was my sons hampster died after 5 years and so we thought this would be a good family project it is turning into one big nightmare. with a whole lot of $$$ lost & even more frustration. but I want to keep at it & learn I want to do a reef with fish & critters and stuff.
crushed coral will house unwanted nutrients



Originally Posted by cmkdline
cc vs. ls
ok you said get rid of the cc & get ls why?
I have read on hear good things on both.
the reason we got the tank was my sons hampster died after 5 years and so we thought this would be a good family project it is turning into one big nightmare. with a whole lot of $$$ lost & even more frustration. but I want to keep at it & learn I want to do a reef with fish & critters and stuff.
Here is a cut and paster from member RYANHAYES9
Live rock adds a “realistic” feel to your tank and also provides ways of filtration. Many marine aquariums have live rock. The usual recommendation is 1-2 pounds per gallon. This Is benefiscial also because little creatures called “pods” live and reproduce in the live rock(lr) and are a main food source for some fish and are also good for a well established tank. It normally runs around $5 a pound.
Live sand is a type of substrtae that MANY aquriust use and live. It, like lr, is full of beneficial creatures that will grown and reproduce in your tank. This In my opinion is also the best looking substarte there is. I normally keep about a 4 inch sand bed im my tanks.
Crushed coral is another type of substrate that is frowned upon my many aquariust. It has sharp edges and therefore cannot be kept with gobys that burrow or fish that stay on the substrate. It is also very hard to maintain as many waste particles become trapped within it and become mass nitrate producers.


Okay it just a matter of oppinion.... there isn't anything wrong with it.... I was told that I couldn't have a feather duster in it cause they wont root them selves in it..... well they do.... I was told that a Sand sifting Star wouldn't bury themselves well they will.... so I don't know what some people are talking about.... its an opinon.... If you look at the prices of LS there High and most people just buy aqurium sand and one bag of LS just so there tank will cycle quicker... because of all there critters in them... well let your tank do some cycling and buy some books there really helpfull.... if your going to do a reef you really need to learn alot..... I wasn't planning on it since I have an aggressive tank but I have some live corals around in my tank which some people don't like.... but oh well...
I have a Lg Voiltin Lion, Porcupine Puffer, and a Snowflake Eel.... and some little Damsels that I'm supprised the Lion hasn't eaten but he don't really care for any of them he likes gold fish guppies and Ghost Shrimp....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccg24
Okay it just a matter of oppinion.... there isn't anything wrong with it.... I was told that I couldn't have a feather duster in it cause they wont root them selves in it..... well they do.... I was told that a Sand sifting Star wouldn't bury themselves well they will.... so I don't know what some people are talking about.... its an opinon.... If you look at the prices of LS there High and most people just buy aqurium sand and one bag of LS just so there tank will cycle quicker... because of all there critters in them... well let your tank do some cycling and buy some books there really helpfull.... if your going to do a reef you really need to learn alot..... I wasn't planning on it since I have an aggressive tank but I have some live corals around in my tank which some people don't like.... but oh well...
I have a Lg Voiltin Lion, Porcupine Puffer, and a Snowflake Eel.... and some little Damsels that I'm supprised the Lion hasn't eaten but he don't really care for any of them he likes gold fish guppies and Ghost Shrimp....
i dont think its just an opinion its a proven fact that crushed coral houses unwanted nutrients and is much harder to maintane then sand.also u shouldnt feed your lion guppys and gold fish this will lead to a ppremature death, there not part of its natural diet and are very fatty


I just bought that book!! AMAZING BOOK!
Wish I had bought it from the get go ;) and the pics are awesome too!
Definately a book for us newbies.
Plus read the links at the start of the forum, the search mode is some of you (NOT ALL) ole timers should give us a break sometimes, and not get mad if some ask a question you have aswered a million times. We don't know. That is why we are at the newbie site ;) Not bashing, just saying I have read a few side comments. (not to me, but while reading others posts)
which I aslo suggest. Read others questions. Take notes, which I just started doing. I bought a notebook and started taking notes.
From one newbie to another

PS..I had no idea what an ro is until recently, I just bought mine. I did a search on puter for one, cheapest I found is on this site. RO is reverse osmosis...ok, we both just learned something :joy:
Oh, and I just found out I MUST have a quarantine tank! Setting that up soon. Moderator Beth has good suggestions on that on her web site here. Just click on her name and it will take you too it :)
Also, look in classifieds, ( on here) some are upgrading to bigger tanks ,and you can buy some stuff there. I am buying a lighting fixture there:) I can't wait to get it!!
But, I too had to slow down, realize the people on here are a LOT more knowledgable than fish stores. Another I learned.....big box fish stores are not kewl. They just have some teenager packing the fish you just bought with no knowledge if it is compatable with what you have. They ask no questions.
I hope I have not posted this twice, double viison kingin ,
good night
Originally Posted by ccg24
There is a book its called Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies..... I really liked this book coming into the hobby! leave your tank as it is and get this book..... its like 15 or 20 bucks at a bookstore but I got mine for 3.50 cents on E-Bay


dang, double vion kicking i,
i bought the conscientious marine aquarists by fenner...good book!
good night