Help Meeee Please


Originally Posted by cmkdline
okay , got the amonia out and got 30lbs of lr today. i will get some pics as soon as posible. my skimmer is on the way. the store will not take back the damsels and our nitrite has started to drop. YAAAA :cheer:
Good job. your on your way.


ok an update ... lfs wouldn't take back the fish so I still have them BUT they are looking more & more healthier every day. all tests are great. as stated earlier I got more lr and i've got LOTS of THINGS growing out of it!!!! ya
I am going to wait till the end of the month to make sure everything stays stable and then go to the next step..


I don't know if some of yall remember, I bought a pink tailed trigger, well I was told they were the least He got settled.....
But, once he started picking on tom tom, he HAD to go. The owner of the lfs was a bit upet with the employee for not asking questions. He took him back with no problems at all, and I had to take back a piece of the last piece of dead coral :jumping: , which I wanted to get rid of....but the trrigger had made it his hiding space, so I took fishy and coral back with no problems.
Find another fish store, always look at how they are swimming is it eratic, breathing eratically? Not acting 'normal', have owner feed the fish while you are there.....if they act this way and won't eat.....don't buy. Just an opinion from one newbie to another.
Also on this site, you can click on a fish, and they tell you whether it is reef safe, aggressive, bold, or peacefull.

Originally Posted by sfoister
Fish should be something you can return if you're in a situation such as yourself. Most places won't take back inverts, but as long as the fish are not mishandled, they should take them back.
This shows they probably knew those fish were going to die, or at least expected it, and probably expect the damsels to die too.


thanks for the advice but I live in a little town 150 mile east of boise idaho. we only have 1 lsf and the owner runs it himself. so now I will only be purchasing my fish online. Anyway it won't be til the very end of the month before we buy any fish to put in our tank anyway. I want to be sure my tank doesn't go on Hiadus again.
I decided to keep the cc. and I am going to ost pics next week.


Active Member
Did you remove the blue gravel? That is painted and not saltwater safe. Also I had crushed coral for years and switched to a very shallow sand bed just because of looks but the crushed coral will trap lots of deitrus so make sure you vacuum every time you do a water change. Keep reading and you'll get the hang of it, just don't buy anything before researching it in books and online. That alone with save you lots of money and pain.


ya I cleaned my tank today water change 1/3 & vaccumed. refilled with ro/di & salt and everything has been perfect of the test readings. will do another test tomarrow evening just to be sure.


ok so we did another water test today and every thing came out just perfect . so now what should i start with fish or clean up crew? A couple hermit crabs a couple snails & a shrimp or should i wait on the shrimp till later. and I want to go reef so what kind of fish should I start with for a reef any suggestions?


Yet another reason why so many LFS get such a bad name. While it is a very good idea to do your research, some people unbeknowing to this fact will go into their local LFS and hope the employees know what they are doing. It doesn't always happen this way. Example being, you go to a doctor with the ambition you tell them what's wrong, they have the experitse to treat you. Likewise, you go to your local LFS, and they too should be professional enough to help you and tell you up front, Yes, this is going to be a while in the making. No, you cannot start adding fish immediately, and at least help you with your start up decision making. Unfortunately, a lot of them have dollars on their mind and nothing else. If these people would only think for a minute, and realize that if you make someone mad and give false information their "repeat" business is not going to be there, and no news travels faster than "bad" news. I just wish all LFS employees were a little more conscientious about their jobs. O.K. , I've said enough about that. I agree with everyone else, lose the undergravel filter. Ask questions on this site, sometimes they get into left field, but as a whole there is some really good information on this site.