HELP missing chromis?!


I have a ocerlis clown sorry spelling, a yellow tang, 3 green chromis, 3 snails, and 15 blue legged hermits. 2 days ago I noticed one of my chromis didn't come out when I turned the light on so I watched all night and never saw him. Then yesterday I searched the whole tank for him and he is no where to be found so I tested the ammonia just in case and it was fine. Does anyone know what I should do know? What could have happened? :help:


Active Member
Fish die, many times for no reason that we will ever know, the other fish, snails, crabs, worms eat the dead fish you will probably never find it. As long as your ammonia levels don't go up then don't worry about it.


Oh ok so you think the snails and hermits ate it and I just didn't notice and haven't seen any reminints of it? Thanks


I killed a whole school of chromis' because I never put the strainer on my intake for my filter when I was done cleaning it. Bonehead move. I went crazy looking for them so I know your plight. If he did die, then your inverts got to him. Trust me if they did, they had a field day.
Do you have a cover on your tank? Could have jumped? They moe around pretty fast and can be spooked easily. Hope you find him, If not, then monitor ammonia levels and move on. I since got new chromis'. They're pretty cool to look at in schools.
Sorry for the bad news.


Thanks :( there is a cover on my tank so don't think he jumped. well I didn't see him anywher at least...cause a little of the top is open but not much at all. So it is ok if the inverts ate him? Oh and now I only have 2 chromis is that bad cause I know they like schooling?


If you absolutely can not find him, assume he has perished....... (moment of silence)....
Your inverts got him. They will make quick work of him. If in fact he is dead, you will be able to see if the crabs and shrimp are congregated in one area. They would have got to it overnite so you may not notice, but look for them acting or gathering together that is not "normal" behavior for your tank. I wouldnt worry about it, unless you have an ammonia spike, but if you did your inverts would feel that blow first. Just kep an eye on the levels and your inverts. I think you will be fine though. Like I said, I killed a school of 6 at once. I had no spike, because I caught it in less than 8 hours but it still was a mass death.
Good luck, no worries and monitor your levels!!!


Thanks!! You are funny "moment of silence" LOL but yes very sad just also very misterious thanks for all your input!