HELP... Mixing saltwater question


So I want to start mixing my own saltwater, I understand how to do everything and have everything i need except I am unsure what to mix it in, would a 32 gallon rubbermaid container/trash can work?? I want to be mixing about 25 gallons each time i make it?? But I am worried about the wight of the water breaking the container??


Active Member
trash cans wrok great get a round one and if you want to make it sturdier run a couple bands of duct tape around the outside of the container, but lots of people use them withouut it. I use aquariums to mix my salt but that is because I have them on hand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chellie4u2
Ok so how would I place a heater so it doesn't heat up the rubbermaid container??
You heater should have suction cups on it, just stick it to the side. I have the same trashcan and the heater never damaged the trash can. After all, you should only be setting the heater to 78, so not enough to burn it. I had my powerhead on one side pointing to my heater on the other side, so that will mix the warm water up pretty good.
Edit: Wait until your water is at the right temp before adding the salt, it will mix better in the warmer water.


I'll add my two cents.
You can mix the salt at any time, but it will dissolve faster/better in warmer water.
Do not immediately add the water to your tank after mixing, let it sit for at least a day.
Measure the salinity before adding the water to your tank.
Using a refractometer will give you a much accurate reading than a hydrometer will.


I mixed it yesterday morning and won't actually be using it till wednesday.. but i did do a water test on it last night just cause this is my first time and i wanted to see how everything was doing and everything was great but my nitrates were a little high??? I got a reading of 20 on my test kit.. Is this normal or did i do something wrong???


But i thinking it will be ok to use in my tank because its the restart of my 24gal aqua pod and it has to cycle anyways so i should be ok to use it right??
I will not be using any of this water to do water changes in my existing 30 gal tank though..


I wonder if your salt mix contains nitrates? You said you used RO water so it cant be from that.


I have Oceanic Sea Salt mix.. that says it contains calcium and natural trace elements.. so whatever that means..


Originally Posted by Chellie4u2
I have Oceanic Sea Salt mix.. that says it contains calcium and natural trace elements.. so whatever that means..

Does it actually say "Does not contain Nitrates or Phosphates" ?
My salt mix says that.
I did some searching on oceanic salt mix and it does say "A nitrate-free and phosphate-free synthetic sea salt."
I wonder where your nitrates came from!?

darthtang aw

Active Member
If you used tap water (water from your faucet) I would bet that is where your nitrates came from. If you have a DI/RO system that filters your water then I would look into replacing the canister. The Nitrates were present in the water prior to mixing.


It was RO filtered water from walmart, I filled the jugs and then payed for them.. so im still clueless on how this happened??