Help Mold Growing on Live Rock!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Ok i dont know whats going on and i really could use some help let me start by saying what i have so far i have a 55 gal with 2 clowns 2 damsels coral banded shrimp and a baby snowflake eel they have been doing good for awhile heres the problem last week ordered some live rock "already cured" to add to the tank 20 lbs received it in a couple of days scrubbed it down with salt water then added to tank lfs said i would be good now water is really cloudy and im starting to notice grey mold growing on the rock and one of my clowns now was this white almost palish look and is losing his color i thin its from the rock should i remove it and place it in a quarantine and cure it again? or is it to lateld i remove the fish and my baby eel? protein skimmer is in the works plan on getting one next week on pay day so is there anything to help has anyone ever dealt with anything like this? please help i dont wanna loose any of my loved ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
sounds very very very bad. Although at one time the rock was fully cured it was no longer by the time you got it. Scrubbing the rock probably made it worse. The rock is going to have more die off before it recures.. In my opinion your best bet would be to remove the new rock and cure it in a bucket before adding it again.


New Member
ok plan on it when i get off should i do a large water change also in case the ammonia spiked up really high and how will i know when it has cured when i remove it? im guessin my ammonia is gonna be high and thats y my clown is lookin like it has white on him am i right?


Active Member
I imagine so.. Test your water and try to do water changes to minimize the damage to your tank. As far as how you will know when the rock is ready to put back in I would say just test the water it is curing in until you get clean readings..


New Member
got home last night and pulled the rock out and unfortunately my smallest clown didnt make it set up a 10 gallon and put the rock in there to fully cure only bad thing was this morning when i woke up i found my snowflake swimming around in the 10 gallon so had to remove him and put him back in the display wich was fun hes only about 4 inches so he can wind thru anything did a 6 gallon water change and the water really cleared up only bad thing couldnt test the water daughter stepped on my equipment and cracked the case so have to wait until tomorrow to go buy another one did i do everything right? i hope so i scrubbed the rock down before i put it in the 10 gallon so it looks clean there was so much die off the water looked so brown and dirty how long do i have to wait to add it back to my display tank?


Active Member
The tank you are curing in is going through a cycle now. So you will have to wait for the cycle just like any other cycle.
Did you buy this LR online? Or was there any kind of shipping involved? How long was it out of water altogether? More than a few hours and you'll start having die off.
Keep doing big water changes. I'd do one every day or two at least until you get some test kits. Or take your water to LFS to have them test it.
Hate to say it, but if you had an ammonia spike, and it sounds like you did, then you very well could lose everything. So be prepared for the worst. But water changes are your best bet. And a protein skimmer.


New Member
yeah i ordered it from but it arrived quick and still wet wich was good didnt stink real bad and im adding a skimmer on pay day and tomorrow im goin to the lfs to have them test it for me im stuck at work today from 10-9


Active Member
for your display tank you might consider adding an ammonia binder like AmQuel because I am sure that you have had a nasty ammonia spike from the incident. Also I would recommend a medium water change every few days on your display so that hopefully you won't have any more problems.


Active Member
Any time you get live rock shipped to you it will have to be recured. It only takes a few hours and things start dying. I would imagine they didn't ship the rock totally submersed in water, just damp I would think. The dampness helps, but things are still going to die.
What skimmer are you getting? Make sure you get a good one.


New Member
its a probably gonna be a seaclone im getting gift certificates to ***** so what ever fits in the budget what are the best out right now?