HELP!!! Mushrooms away!


New Member
Can anyone please help me. I bought a rock full of mushrooms a week agao and now they are floating around the tank. :help: What could be causing this? What can I do about it? I don't want to lose them.



Gather them up and place them in tupperware bowl with sand and pebbles and either place in area with no current or place a screem mesh over them ( Inside the tank) till they get attached to some sand or pebbles which will weight them down


Active Member
I have bought a loose red shroom and I have superglued it 2x. Netted it for 2 weeks and put in a cup for 2 weeks with small rocks. Today I changed it to sand. I will see if that does it. It seems that sometimes they just do not wanna stick. Slimy sucker.
Good luck with yours.


Active Member
The are probably not happy with their location. The most likely reasons would be too much flow, too much or too little light, or stinging from some other coral or creature. I'm betting too much flow. Can you tell us about the flow, lights, and other inhabitants that might sting?


I had that same problem with a single mushroom that I bought. Only it wasn't attached to a rock or anything. He floated around my tank for a month, but I think he finally found a rock he likes now. Good luck.


New Member
Flow = Fluval 400 Canister filter pump. + 2 penguin 660 power heads.
Lighting = 65W 50/50 compact flourescent + 40W Flourescent with 1 20W F and 1 20W Act.
Prizm Protein skimmer
Lights are on from 6 am until 6 pm. then only one of the 2 for about 2 more hours.


Active Member
Click "User CP" at the top of this page and fill in your profile so we can click your name to see what size tank you have. Instead of asking: what size tank do you have?

You don't have much light so unless your tank is SMALL I'm betting it isn't a too much light issue. I also would hazard a guess that it is just too much flow, BUT it doesn't look like you have much flow, unless your tank is really small.
What size tank do you have?


I hav a rock that has way to many on it from time to time one comes off I stick it into a hole in some live rock and they stick prety fast and have stayed put so far.


New Member
I have noticed that almost all of the shrooms have gotten together at the base of one rock. They have opened up bigger and prettier there than even when I saw them at LFS. I am going to try to move some small rubble pieces to see if they will attach. They seem to be trying to attach to the sand but it ain't working. I'm just happy they're still alive


I have one small one that I could not get to stay put it has found itself a nice home at the base of a rock.