Help!!! My Angel!


New Member
A stone crab would have its claws tucked at all times. And im pretty sure they are grey. I've seen them in the wild. Kinda like the Porcelain Crab but grey in color, not as colorful as the pic. Oh and if it is a stone crab the claws would be large and they make a good meal :)


Does anyone know how long stone crabs live? I am pretty sure I had one in my tank about 2 and a half years ago and saw him agian when I moved about 9 months ago. I never was able to catch the thing and didn't ever have any problems other than maybe snails. I have not seen it since the move 9 months ago and was thinking maybe the tiger pistol shrimp I added shortly after or old age may have taken it out.


Well, I decided it was definitely a stone crab. I took him up to one of the lfs and a large humu humu made a meal of him. Thanks for all the help everyone. Case closed :) Now I've just gotta save my 3 remaining fish from ich :(