Help! My Brace On My Bowfront Melted


hey i have a 46 gallon bowfront reeftank..i just bought a 250w hqi pendant and installed it over my tank..unfortunately it totally melted the brace in the middle of the this as important as im told to keep the tank together long term..i was told not to break it off cuz its for stability..will my tank be ok without it or is there something i can do to prevent my tank for cracking..thanks


Active Member
Yeah the center brace is there for a reason...It would allow the tank to bow more than what is recommended without it in place... It would also void the warranty on the tank if it's not already expired!!!!!
How close are your MH to the top of the tank?


Perhaps you can epoxy a piece of acrylic on the top and bottom to keep brace together.
Could also use a plastic screws to hold the acrylic and brace together.
Both would be best.
Not sure if epoxy is safe for the fish though.


ok thanks..its only maybe 4-5 inches from the top of the brace..its just a really hard setup cuz i have an aqualight lunar and the hqi i just bought barely fits in the front of the tank. i may try to epoxy or glue it back together but im not sure how im going to prevent it from happening just gets so hot..i have no idea how to keep it cooler..thanks


I would make sure the epoxy is safe to use first.
I don't know if any are.
If the brace doesn't have to be transparent maybe you could go for a more heat resistant material.
Not sure on mh height.
A fan would help.
Your temp in the tank must have gone up alot if it melted the brace.


you can put a pice of regular plastic over and use a sautering(sp) gun t melt the plastics together to hold...also acrlic with weld-on would work


ok cool..thanks for all the u think itd be ok to remove the melted brace and just make a new brace with a more durable clear plexiglass..cuz the black brace also blocks some of the light

bang guy

Yep. A high quality acrylic. Use Weld-On to attach it and then some vinyl screws for safety. If you have a fan blowing on the acrylic it will keep it cooler. Have the fan plugged into the same timer as the light.


the purpose of your brace is obvious and as a result (if your tank is still filled) it now not giving the support it needs to; meaning your tank has probably flexed to some point. to make your repair you will want to relieve that pressure to allow the tank to return to its unfilled form. once you do this take a strip of clear acrylic (at least .25") and long enough to overlap the remaining portion of your original brace by a couple of inches. your goal here is to maximize your bonding surface area. when you pick up your strip of acrylic from a plastics shop (ask about some scrap, you might get it for free) and pruchase some weld-on #16. make sure your mating surfaces are clean (i use rubbing alcohol w/o any problem DO THIS ONLY ON YOUR NON-VIEWING AREA OF REPAIR). if you have any salt creep a little bronze wool should remove it. apply your weld-on to the repair area and apply some minimal pressure for about a minute, but not too much pressure. now, let set for 24 hours, then you should be able to refill the tank. BE VERY CAREFUL IF YOU DECIDE TO DRILL YOUR ACRYLIC! if you do not properly modify your bit, or purchase a specialized one you may crack your acrylic (you may not, but that is your choice). i hope everything works out for you.


Active Member
Good advice 7archer7. I think you should have told him what you meant by modifing the drill bit....The special bits for acrylic the end or nose of the bit is rounded over unlike a wood drill bit which has a point on the end...You could just round the edges over a bit and ease through the piece not alot of should get a spiral when it's drilled!!!HTH


Hey everyone, thanks for the advice. I went to my LFS and told them my problem and they told me they would be able to order me a new top portion of the frame. It doesn't come in until April 6 so I'm still waiting, but how am I going to get my old frame with the broken brace off? I still have everything in my tank and my QT can not house all the things I have it in I believe. Is it possible to take out half of the water in my tank that way all of the inhabitants can stay in? But when I take off the top frame will the tank start spreading apart? I am alittle worried about this b/c if that top frame is holding everything in tighter than the bottom, then taking it off would mean its collapse. So if I take out half the water there wont be as much pressure, but will it still be ok? Any advice would be great I am really bummed about the situtation so want it fixed before something bad happens. Another question ,does any one know the best way I would take the frame off the 46 bow? Thanks.


that is great that the company is sending you a new piece. quite frankly, i would take the new piece and use the weldon to attach it directly to the old top piece. at least that way you shouldn't have to remove everything from the tank. otherwise, you will have to remove everything from the tank and make sure you cut off the top and have ALL EDGES square, or it will be a mess!! if that is the route you take, take the tank to someone who cuts acrylic professionally (it will be more than worth it, trust me). however, this may be the opportunity to take the liberty of purchasing a new tank:) whatever you decide to do i hope it works well for you.