HELP my brittle star is falling apart


I feel your pain...I had the same thing happen with a serpent sea star in my last tank(50 gallon). My star didnt even last that long though, not even 2 weeks after buying it it started falling apart. Mine got so bad that it looked like it had been sliced in several places on it's top and bottom, and all I had left was a sliced and diced central disc after a few days. I thought my 2 cowns may have been eating it, but it turns out that wasnt the case. After testing my pH throughout the day, I found it was fluctuating greatly...between the range of about 7.6, and 8.4. After adding a Prizm skimmer, my problems went away completely... I could then keep normal starfish, and finally got the guts to try another Serpent Sea Star, and had no problems with it.
My advice, if you don't have a skimmer already get one, and a good one.
Good luck, I hope your star pulls through this.
There's sooooo many thing on "that list" but I think DSB and more LR in that order, is next. On a positive note, his arms/nubs have started changing from white to brown, the color he normaly is, at least I hope it's a good sign. If he gets any worse though, I think I won't let him suffer any more. Hope I don't have to.:(


Active Member
How is he behaving? Back under the rocks...interest in food?
Has he lost any more arms or other parts?
IMO, if it is still alive, and not deteriorated further, it will recover. I hope so at least!
The long term pH monitoring is a good idea, in fact, probably a good idea for many people to do at least once!
Well yes and no. He's still in the open but he hides in/around a shell, which he's small enough to fit into.I haven't seen him feed, won't take anything from me, but after blender cocktails he move from one side of the tank to the other. Do you think he's maybe just eating on his terms, like hunting or forging?


Active Member
It is certainly possible, and they can derive rather a lot of dissolved nutrients, even through the skin. Keep an eye out on the very tips of the remaining arms, where they broke. Eventually you should start to see tiny projects- the start of the growth of the new arm.
Well he didn't make it. Friday when the lights came on he was upside down and nearly split in half, with no arms. damm.....
I honstly though he would pull through. Thanks for all the help though. That will be the last live thing I put in a tank w/o testing first....puppey dog eyes or not.
Thanks again..


New Member
Had mine too for 3 mos and died........the water must be perfect, also crabs might have stressed them out..........I feel you.........
Once wise man told me, gotta have good amnt of CALCIUM.......for it.