help my corals are DIEing


I bought this 75gal fish and coral tank about a month ago. The fish are doing great. but the coral notso. I have three candy canes. (red with a green center) there is one by its self. It is doing ok. but the other two are a "Y" and between the two both are dieing. i dont know what to do. i allso have a thing i dont know what it is and it is dieing. but my x-mas rock, closed brian, brown polyps and leather fingers are doing great. my polyps are all over the tank now. why two and not all and what do i do??????


Active Member
IMO, your tank is not nearly old enough to even have corals.
you candy cane probably isnt doing so well because of something with your levels. tell us your ALK, Ca, and then all the other standard stuff.
but seeing how your open brain is doing okay too, then that might mean there is osmething else wrong with it. you need to tell us what lighting you have, where it is, what yoru levels are, how much flow it is in.
there are too many unknowns for people to help you.
but it is possible that your tank is not even cycled yet, or jsut finished, so it is not ready for corals.
and btw, make sure you are feeding those christmas tree worms phyto.


i just done a water change three days ago (ammona .25)
i tested the water thinking of it first.
ammania 0
ph 8.2
nitrate 0
nitite 0
i moved the tank, i put all but five gal. back in. didnt add anything the guy didnt already have in it.
i have four bulb icecap


Active Member
do you have a Ca or ALK test?
hwo much flow is the candy cane in?
how long ago was the move?
do you have an actual pic of it to show us?
good luck


ca. is 450-400
i dont have a alk. lfs didnt have one and told me they have never seen a problem with it?? (idont know). every thing looks good. so why is two of the canes doing so bad and one isnt. o and the three are right next to each other in a high flow of water.


Active Member
here is my guess, there are a few different possibilities, but here is my idea that im just throwing out there;
a candy cane is not realy a high flow coral, more of moderate. you said that the heads in the middle arent doing well right? do you have a powerhead that is right near by? it could be possible that the powerhead, without a flow deflector or anything else is mainly going right along the heads in the center, makeing the flow too high and killing them. but since the flow is so concetrated, it is not affectiong the ones on the outside too much. do you have a powerhead close by? how many GPH is it and how far away? does it have anything to direct flow?
a pic would still be good however.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meg&ran
im new to this site i am trying to get pic
ok then, sorry, while i was typing the above you had typed this. under wher eyou write your post, it will say manage attachments. click on that, then click on attach image. the image must be sized correctly, i think it is like 500X500. it will say if the image is too big. then find the pic you want and click the attach button, the upload.


yah i've just found that and it is TO big man i am mad.
the pic is out dated i took it two weeks ago it looked so good then.
can anything be eating them


i give up i will talk to the lfs to see if on of them have one. it just the guy i bought this from told me how to feeding both fish and coral, he had it for three years and it worked for him. im starting to think i am losing my corals and i'm mad. i guess if they die they die. i just want to know why they are so i can fix it. i will try moveing them and see if that dos it, thanks alot for your time


Active Member
there are a few things that can be eating them, what do you have?
and how big is the powerhead that is "too big"?
to tell you the truth, i think you main problem if nothing else is that your tank just isnt old enough to have corals.


i dont know about the power head. but tank is three year old . when i moved the tank to my place a month ago. i put the same water back in. i didnt add anything in the tank that the guy i bought it off already had. it was about a 1/2 hour move for the tank