Help my eel

eel freak

my snowflake eel has not eaten for 7 days and it is breathing really hard and every day it breaths harder whats wrong with him


Active Member
well a) we need parameters b) eels sometimes will not eat for months. but ur sg or temp might be high if hes breathing hard


Wow that is a lot of shrimp for the little guy. I think right now he is just full. Most eels will "hunt" when they are hungry so just wait until he comes out to try and feed him again. My eel will sometimes breath harder after I feed him, don't we all after we are full. As sharkboy said the parameters will tell us if there is anything chemically wrong with the water.


As long as the parameters are fine there is nothing you can do but wait. Just to clarify, did you test for oxygen because eels are especially sensitve to oxygen changes, due to their small gills.


Rapid breathing is listed as a symptom of the following in my eel bible.
Internal Parasites
ph shock
nitrogenous waste pollution (as sharkboy eluded to)


I didn't think eels could get obese. I thought they were one of the few fish that stopped eating when full. Oh well, I learned something new today. I don't think it is an internal parasite, as a dieseased eel is rare but it is possible. Check the pH before the lights go off and when they come on to make sure the pH isn't swinging causing pH shock.

eel freak

he has not moved for hours now and he is really starting to breath hey do youll think it could be venom i have 2 venomous fish a dwarf llion and a fox face


It could be, although I am not up on the effects of venom on eels. I would think it is possible as eels are blind and swim into anything and everything. I


Active Member
hmm, id be worried, have u tried moving him? again parameters. specifics, no "just fine" we need specifics, what may be good to u may be bad to us


Active Member
Sounds like a serious problem, beyond simply not eating. When mine stops eating I switch up his diet, feed him scalops or muscles instead of shrimp. If he starts looking a little better. They are pretty hardy creatures though, I'd check your parameters, it sounds like something might be way off.


Active Member
in no way do i conider myself an expert on eels but
eels will suddenly stop eating sometimes. this can go for up to 3 or 4 months. also eels do open and close their mouths like rapid breathing but its normal


I have three other possibilities for you from my eel bible ( Keeping Moray Eels in Aquariums, by Phil Purser ).
Listlessness and loss of appetite are listed as a sign of bacterial or fungal infection.
Refusal to eat and side swimming are signs of Nitrogeonous waste poisoning as mentioned in previos posts.
Refusal to feed and inability to swim upright, although listed with lumps under skin, would be signs of a tumor. You haven't mentioned anything about any lumps on your eel, so I would hope this is not the case.


you seem to have taken this issue quite lightly. you need to test your water again and find the problem. its not just oh well, be responsible and take care of your tank's inhabitants. How are the other fish doing, eating and acting normally?


Sorry to hear that it didn't make it. If you ever figure out what the problem was be sure to let those of us who tried to help you out know what it was.

eel freak

well the other fish are fine but before he died he was all swolen up and was puffed up huge another thing i love eels i am thinking about getting another 1 tomrrow should i