help my eel

eel freak

my snowflak eel has not eaten for 7 days and is breathing harder and harder every day :scared: :scared: :scared:


Staff member
How long have you had him, what type of tank is he in, what has he been eating, and what are your water readings?


Active Member
Originally Posted by eel freak
he used to eat 3 pieces a day but he has not eaten for7 days
3 pieces of what? What are you feeding it?
It's not uncommon for eels to fast for extended periods. 2-3 weeks is not unheard of. Heavy breathing may or may not be a cause for concern. Eels often appear to be breathing hard but they displaying normal respirations.
Most eels are pretty hardy. Problems arise from impactions or internal bacterial infections.
Can you post actual numbers for your water parameters? Saying they are good doesn't say much.


Originally Posted by eel freak
nitrates:eek:o ph:00 kh:10 calcium over :520
I am sure you don't mean your ph is zero. Can you post your actuar PH, ammonia, nitrite, and SG readings? Eels normaly eat 2-3 times a week. If he was eating daily before then he probably is just "full". Post those reading so we can be certain something isn't stressing him.


Active Member
Unfortunate. He may have had an impaction from undigested food. This in turn could have contributed to an internal infection which caused it's death. IMO, you were overfeeding. Eels are fine eating every 2-3 days.