help! my fish don't want to eat..


New Member
i have a regal angelfish in my 55g tank, i was told at the pet store that this fish eats brine shrimp. is this true or false.


Originally Posted by dbrabago
i have a regal angelfish in my 55g tank, i was told at the pet store that this fish eats brine shrimp. is this true or false.
Brine shrimp is a lot like feeding your child candy. Opt for more nutritious foods such as frozen angel formulas.
Ha Ha, did you plan on keeping that fish for a while cause they get way too big for an 55 gallon. Well anyways how did you acclimate it? How long did you?


New Member
Originally Posted by feelingfishy
Ha Ha, did you plan on keeping that fish for a while cause they get way too big for an 55 gallon. Well anyways how did you acclimate it? How long did you?
not that long maybe an hour. but he seems to be doing pretty good. he's swimming very stong. i'ved had this fish fot 2 day's now.
by the way how big do they get?
They can get up to about 9-10 inches and it says the minimum size tank for them is 100 gallon. So i belive this is where your problem is you see when you go to the fish store most of them are corupt. So they wont tell you everthing about the fish. Another thing did you see the fish eat at the fish store?
If your fish is only around 3 in long right now this should not be an problem. Anyways ill be back on in a bit soo i cant help you anymore bye.


Active Member
check your water quality, and try some angel formula, mysis shrimp, maybe some formula one pellets and algae sheets. The regal is a very difficult species to keep.
Good Luck


Active Member
Keep trying a wide variety of foods, clams, mysis, pellets, everything, these are considered a difficult fish to keep alive, many don't eat at all and die, your lfs told you a huge lie, you need to do your own research before buying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
check your water quality, and try some angel formula, mysis shrimp, maybe some formula one pellets and algae sheets. The regal is a very difficult species to keep.
Good Luck

I agree 100%; if a Regal isn't the toughest (commonly available) angel to keep; I don't know what is. Generally considered an "expert only" fish.Pristine water, lots of space, varied diet (including a lot of greens & protein), are the key. Like many angels, when healthy, they'll eat anything. But they need the variety and (IMO), Selcon, or another vitamin supplement to thrive.
But for now, your problem seems just to be getting it to eat SOMETHING, if the lfs was feeding it brine shrimp, then give it brine shrimp (soaking in garlic may help) and, once he's eating, worry about the nutrition. If my memory is working, this is the only fish I've lost in many years because it wouldn't eat. I wish you luck and hope your lack of research doesn't cost you a nice fish. Don't beat yourself up if you lose this fish; there is a lot to learn in this hobby and this forum is a great place to do it; but next time, PLEASE research before buying.Keep us posted!


New Member
ok i bought the angelfish the right food but still won't eat!

i guess i'll just wait to see if he eat's


Active Member
Originally Posted by dbrabago
ok i bought the angelfish the right food but still won't eat!

i guess i'll just wait to see if he eat's

This fish is tough. Just some little things that may help, and you may already know. 1.) chopped fresh shrimp (maybe with a little garlic) may get him eating. (From an online source I trust) 2.) Keep the tank area quiet, no visitors yet. 3. These guys do not adapt well with aggressive, or even very active tankmates. (My experience and another source). I'm not sure if you have him in a qt or your DT, but he needs places to hide and feel safe. 4.) if in the DT, use garlic, cyclop-eeze, or even a bit of very finely crumbled flake or frozen food; while feeding your other fish, to get a feeding "smell" in the water. Other fish vigorously eating will often get a newcomer eating as well-as long as they aren't intimidating...good luck and keep us posted!


This fish has a poor adaptivity rate. #1 reason is it not accepting food in captivity. This is one of those species that cannot be summed up. It depends on the fish and where it was caught. Give it plenty of hiding spaces and keep offering a variety of foods including fresh scallops, fish flesh, and frozen angel foods. I would not offer a lot at a time or it will be wasted. Don't worry about vitamines, get him eating if you can.


Originally Posted by dbrabago
fish still not eating.
i have no place for the fish to hide!
could this be the problem?
This fish is scared and not willing to eat. They need to feel secure. I would not count on him eating until he feels right at home. Speed that up ASAP. Add some LR to the qt. If he has a parasite, you can move the rock to a tub for 3 weeks.WHOA, I just read back. Do you have LR in this tank? The tank is too small for him anyway, but if you do not have mature LR for him to graze off of and hide in then this fish will have a very hard time surviving.


ive got a majestic in my 55 and he was ruf for the first month got him started on mysis