HELP my fish have Bruchnellia


New Member
Could anyone possibly tell me how long I have to run my main tank before I can add more fish. I have had a case of brooklynella in my tank and need to know how long I have to run the tank before adding more fish. I have lost all my fish except my scooter blenny and 4 blue damsels to this horrible disease. They are all in a small 10 gallon now and have treated them with rally. Just started this so hopefully it will save them. No signs that they have it yet but I am sure they do.
In my main tank I still have my 2 blue starfish and 2 fire shrimp and also my LR tons of snails and crabs. I understand that this disease will not affect any of them. I have lost my batfish to this disease (he was 4 years old very sad
) I had added 2 clowns and an atlantic blue tang also a yellow tang and a long nose butterfly(not all at once over a period of time) All was fine until I added the butterfly not sure if this is where it came from. I should also mention that I did change my filter system about a month and a half ago but I ran both the new and the old for 3 weeks before I did the switch to the new one alone. I do regular testing and all my readings are normal. I am at a loss here and don't want to add anything to my tank until I know this is out of my tank.
I should have mentioned the size of my tank is 75 gallon. I also run a protein skimmer and the filter system I run is swc. The water runs through a foam media then through the white cotton(not sure what it is called) and then through the bio balls and back into the tank. It is a decent filtration system circulating 500 gallons per minute. We only have it turned 1/2 way it does 1000 gallons per minute
If anyone can help me I would appreciate it.


New Member
I am 98%sure that it is brook. The symptoms and pics sound and look like it. I can't figure out why it hasn't affected the damsels though. I also run a 29 gallon that I have decided to put some of the live rock in and the rest of the live rock will go into the 10 and I lost my blenny yesterday so I only have my damsels left and my starfish and snails and crabs. The other thing I have is 2 strawberry kongs. I figure if I am dismantling the tank anyway I might as well do it all. I have decided to change my crushed coral subtrate to sand. I am not sure if this may have added to it but my crushed coral is as old as the tank so close to 11 years. :notsure: Maybe it wasn't brook but certainly something similar