my blue jaw is dieing he is just laying on the sandbed not moving but breathing. What should i do?
tdog7879 Member Jan 7, 2009 #1 my blue jaw is dieing he is just laying on the sandbed not moving but breathing. What should i do?
invertcrazy Member Jan 7, 2009 #2 You should post all of your water parameters and all the info you can give about your tank and fish over on the disease and treatment forum. Beth or Sep can probably let you know what's going on. good luck
You should post all of your water parameters and all the info you can give about your tank and fish over on the disease and treatment forum. Beth or Sep can probably let you know what's going on. good luck
camfish Active Member Jan 7, 2009 #6 We still need to find out why. Post more info please. And sorry about your loss.