Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!


Everybody tell me what you think might be wrong with my tank.
I have a 75 gallon tank and when I came home yesterday, two of my fishes died. One of them my prized juvi emperior angel fish and a percula clown had died. I broght my water sample to my LFS and they indicated all of my water parmeters seem normal. I did top off my tank with RO water two days ago. Here are my parameters, which was confirmed by my LFS.
Ph. 8.2
Nirite 0
Nitrate 0.50
Ammonia 0
temp 82 degrees
Fishes and Inverts.
2 clarki clown fishes
2 firefish
1 fire shrimp
1 blue fin damsels
2 Atlantic anemones
1 small batfish
I have good flow and protein skimmer and a mechanical filter. What is goingoing on with my tank?

keith burn

Active Member
Do thay all look ok now ?
Some time fish go doa with out water trbl...
2 clown,s clarki,s and percula clowns if only the clown was doa that may be why???
Was there what looks like a fight???
did thay look ok in the last week?


There could have been a fight, but the thing is why would the angle fish die on the same day as well? I loved that emperor angel fish and I got it at my LFS two weeks prior for only $30. It was a steal!! So i'm not so sure.

keith burn

Active Member
Yes salt lvl good question
And two week not a long time with new fish did you qa it ?
How long was the clown with you?
And sorry for your loss


Salt water level is good 1.025
I bought the clown fish at the same time as the angel fish. I did not quarntine it. I just acclimate it by drip system.


You did not notice any fighting at all with three clowns? What did both of the fish look like when they died? Have you noticed any tattered fins, white spots, an excess of mucus etc? How and what were they eating?

keith burn

Active Member
IMO qa all fish 4/6weeks ...
A question 2 fisk at the same time from same lfs may be the fish.sorry but if all is ok in tank that is the next steep.


I did not notice any fighting at all. No fighting with the angel fish. There has to be something wrong with my tank. I couldn't find my shrimp that was in there before I put the fishes in there. He's dissappeared. Not sure what is going on.


How do the other fish look? An emperor angel dieing after two weeks is unfortunate, but not uncommon. As for the clown, I can see the pair of clarkis harassing a third clown. You may not have seen it, but it is almost certain that it was going on. The shrimp may be molting. They usually hide while the new shell hardens. If all of your other fish are doing well then I would not be overly concerned at this point.


The other fishes are doing fine. My blue damsel is fine, of course they're pretty hardy, my two firefishes are also doing fine. How often should I be feeding them? I have been feeding once a day after work.


Active Member
Ok, I'm confused.
How old is this tank? I went back over your previous posts and you talk about cycling a 45 gallon. Is this a seperate tank? If so, how long has it been set up?


Active Member
Did you buy any other fish from that LFS on the same day as the day you purchased the two that died?


Active Member
Do you have strong reef lighthing to keep the anemones alive? An anemonie dieing can poison your fish. Lesley
sorry for your loss man, i bought a blue face angel and a majestic angel the same day once and 3 days later they both were other fish were fine. And yes i had a ground probe but was unplugged for cleaning