Help my fuge!


A couple months ago I setup a small fuge from a 10 gallon tank I had laying around. I've been trying to grow Chaeto in it without much luck. The Chaeto grows very slowly and is always really dirty looking and now it the past couple weeks a maroonish algae is starting to take over. This maroon algae is very fluffy, kinda like cotton balls, and is growing mostly on the Chaeto and rocks, not really on the sand or glass.
I think the flow is pretty good, I have about a 10x turnover. I've read this is actually on the high end for a fuge. I'm thinking it may be the lights. I have a 75w "plant bulb" in one of those clip on worklight/spotlight things. I was thinking about upgrading to one of those LOA PC fixtures. Think this would help? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Here's a picture of the maroon stuff on my dirty Chaeto...


And here is a pic of the maroon algae on a little shark figurine thing. I got it for a gift and didn't want it in the display so it found a home in the fuge. :)


Well-Known Member
I suspect the red is because of phosphates.
and 10g for a 125g is an extremely small fuge.
My 20g macro culture tank has 2 18" plain old daylight type lights. Caulpera profilera has been in there for a year and still going strong. my ~10g refug/sump on my 55g just has an 18 w NO spot (equilivant to 90 watt incan). Brillo pad is thriving in there.
You might try another light than the plant light. bout the only reason I can think of why your brillo pad is not growing faster.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
I suspect the red is because of phosphates.
and 10g for a 125g is an extremely small fuge.

yeah but it's better than not having one...


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Fishman830
yeah but it's better than not having one...

Agreed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping:


Yeah, I know it is small for my tank size but I originally built it mainly for pod reproduction which I've read size isn't much of a factor. I am planning on upgrading it shortly though.
I think i may try a new light, I was reading a thread about someone with a similar problem and the light made the difference. It's worth a shot.
Thanks guys.


Active Member
I suspect the red is because of phosphates.
Do you this for fact or did you make it up?
So all red algae is full of phosphate?
That is on the small side and I think that is alittle on the hihg side of flow. You don't actually need a plant bulb. Any work shop bulb will work for a fuge.


That's what I need guys! Where did you get that macro package waterfaller? Any chance anyone would send me some of their clippings from their fuge to seed mine, I'll pay for the shipping of course. Thanks!


Active Member
Sorry..but I must respectfully disagree.When I first set up my refugium..I purchased a flora kit..which came w/ 9 kinds of macro..and just before that..purchased some chaetomorpha..from the same place..I had them under ordinary HD plant bulbs.Most of the macro died,and the chaeto never grew.Since switching to 2X 65 wt PC's,my macro is growing great,stays green,and I have finally started to get it to grow at a rate..where I can export mass amounts every few weeks.
Let me clear this up. Adding more light is great, the spectrum doesn't matter. The more in the reds is good, which is any shop light bulbs. It looks like you added more wattage which will help alot. I thought he was just asking about a bulb not wattage useage.