help my koran wont eat


New Member
I cant get my j. koran angel to eat. I tired brine and algea and he nips at the algea but wont eat anything else. Got any tips


New Member
curently its in a 55 but it is a juv. and i have bigger tanks. but he is living now with all fish smaller then him ther is a coral beauty and
try to feed algae based foods which he might nip at, if its new just give it some time, also ask what they were feeding it at the lfs, sometimes you buy a fish that wont eat anything except the only thing they where feeding it at the lfs so check it out.


Active Member
Yeah ask the store what they feed.
I would recommend mysid shrimp, so does my book :)
We feed mysid to alot of the larger fish at the lfs i work at. Most take it.
If he won't take it try the

some of the shrimp and wiggle them in front of him. It might entice him.
Has he undergone his change yet?