Help my LARGE LEATHER removed itself from ROCK


Alright everyone, i need a ?? answered. My very old and large leather looks dead and completely removed itself from the rock it was on. It is about 5 yrs old and 9inches around at base and about 15 inches tall with a head of about 10 inches around. The leather usually does its die off phase every 2 months, but this time like i said, he compltely just released from his rock and is laying in bottom of tank. We moved him to the hospital tank where the light is not as stong. If i dont see inprovment by friday, i am going to cut him up and see if i can frag him. Anyone have any suggestions on why it did this please do tell. thanx.
in the pic, it is the large leather upper left. all water is fine and everything else in tank is fine.


have you changed your bulbs lately? could be a number of things imo.


Well as an update and with some help from my saltwarclub, we moved him to my quarentine tank. The base is real mushy and covered with critters eating the mush. I am going to cut the head off and frag into 4 pieces, it is still firm and has the polyps. I suppose i will see what happens.


eww.. sorry to hear that man it is a very nice leather.. lemme know how the frags turn out if your looking to get rid of one.


This could just be a WILD idea, i mean just completely out there. Just OUT OF THE BLUE!!! LOL.
I MIGHT think that since it has started to shadow the mushroom directly to the left of it (or what looks like a mushroom - maybe a new addition), that the mushroom started stinging it at night with its STINGING SWINGERS and MAYBE just MAYBE the leather was not to into it. That's just off the top of my head though.
That thing also looks like a cabbage coral too. Leathers will sometimes poison eachother if they are too close.


Originally Posted by nightridr
is your sand purple?

HaHaHa :hilarious I was wondering when someone would ask me in this thread. It happerns everytime i post a pic of my reef. But so you know it is a mixture of dark blue and salmon (orange) sand. Add more blue than salmon of course. Under the MH's it looks purple. The brand of sand is etes marine. Hard stuff to find and it comes in 5 lb bags, i used 25 bags in in the 125 and 8 bags in my 45 fowlr. My fowlr has red and green mixed up. Take care and have fun with your sand creations.