help my lion wont eat


Active Member
i have a small lion and i have tried everything except feeder fish and he just wont eat what do i do i dont want him to die, have had him for aroud a month and never seen him eat does that mean he is eating small amounts of left overs from the other fish since he is still alive


Active Member
where did you get the fish? When I was intereted in lion fish my LFS owner told me to feed him what the store was feeding him. Maybe you could try that???? Check the fish discussion area of this forum. I read something about someone having a similar problem.


yeah what she said and if he still wont eat try the feeders (small fish or ghost shrimp) they arent good as a full time meal option for them but after you get to eating then you can ween him back over to prepared foods.


Active Member
could i feed him like small freshwater because i live like 150 miles from the nearest fs


yeah FW feeders wil work to get him to start eating but you dont want to feed him them for a extended period of time because he will build up fat depostits that will kill him. . youll want to get him eating prepared foods as soon as possible.


could you give us a little more information on what other fish you have in the tank with him as well as what type of lionfish he is? i see your tank is a 55 gallon from your profile info and do you really live 150 miles away from a fish store? In Oklahoma? That just seems bizare to me. Could you tell us what foods you HAVE tried to feed him?


I got a 2" fuzzy dwarf the other day. The guy at the lfs told me had had fed him the smallest feeder fish he had. I put him in my tank, and he fed real good, on my peppermints.
It would seem to me that if you have had it for a month, and havent seen it feed, then it is eating something. Is it in any distress or look like it is declining in health??
My dwarf is mainly active at night, but when I feed the tank, he is moving around the rockwork, and I am sure he is feeding too.


I do not want to sound like a wise a... again, but here it comes.... Q tanks do not only prevent display tanks from getting diseases, but also help fish get used to living in captive conditions. A fish introduced directly to a display tank will have to compete for food with the other fish.
I suggest that you post some tank details (types of fish, food you are feeding) did you qt the fish, was the fish eating in he lfs, etc....