Help My Live Rock IS On The Way!!!!


First off I did search the boards but I didnt find exactly what I was looking for so I thought I would post.
I just placed my order for 60# of Caribbean Haiti Live Rock and it will be here Thursday.
What is the best way to cure this rock and how long should I cure it before adding it to the tank.
Also how should I add it to the tank? All at once or a little at a time?
My tank is 75g and is empty right now mius the live sand, 55 pounds of Carib-Sea look alike rock and about 10 to 15 # of Fl live rock.
When I say empty I do have my crabs and snails in there and one cleaner shrimp.
I do have 5 fish but they are in the Qt tank getting rid of some ICK. One fish has been in there for 2 weeks and the other 4 for a week. I was planning on leaving then there for another at least three weeks to make sure if any ICK is in the main tank they will die off.
Should I cure the rock for a couple of weeks and go ahead and throw it in there since I have no fish in there?
I have a 35gallon can set up and ready for the rock. The temp is set at 80 degrees and I have a maxijet 900 in there also.
I was told to do 100% water changes in the can twice a week, is this right?
Also when I do the water changes should I scrub the rock to help get the dead off? If so what kind of brush, just a new soft brisstle like a cleaning brush?
I have another 35 gallon can to premix water in when I do the water changes, that way I can transfer rock from one can to the other.
If there is anything extra I need to be doing please let me know. I just want this to go smooth as possible.


You can throw the rock right in there if you want, but I would take all living creatures out during the curing process. Then test your water daily until all your tests are consitently zero. then and only then is it safe to add the living things. Also you can cure the rock in rubber maid bins if you want, just put a Power head and a heater in the bucket and wait a few weeks, testing the water frequently. Also if you have a skimmer throw it in there too because it will pull out all the bad stuff. While curing it is necessary to do periodic water changes but not 100% 30% maybe every few days. I am not the expert on this so wait for more responses before making a decision. Good luck


Ok thanks.
I cant take out the other things (crabs,shrimp and snails) because I have no where to put them. I only have the one Qt tank and it is being treated with the copper right now so I cant put them in there.


New Member
I had a similar issue. I blught a rubbermaid plastic garbage can and placed the LR in there with a powerhead and heater. I did 100% water changes twice a week for 3 weeks. By then, the rock stopped smelling and I placed it in my 75g tank. Dont waste your time checking levels while the LR is in the garbage can. When you place it in the real tank, I would check my levels twice a week for a week or two (you may need to do a water chage if you get a spike).


the rubbermaid thing is good and so are garbage cans. You need to run a skimmer too. That skimmer is just as important as the powerhead


The skimmer will be hard to do also in a 35 gallon rubbermaid garbage can. The skimmer I have is built in to my Wet/Dry sump.