I have jumped into to things too quickly and went off my model plan. I got a Derasa clam with my tank only 5 weeks old. I have 327 watts of reef 50/50 lighting. Does my poor friend have a chance?
I have not tested magnesium, iodine, or any other trace elements except calcium which is about 550. My nitrates are zero with everything else but my ph is fluctuatin from 8.1 - 8.4 might of even hit 8. When lights are off ph is higher and lower when on (like normal.) Also it has gotten a lot colder and my temp is going to between 76.3 - 77.4 or .5. Should I get another small heater? Mine is underwater, rated for 75 gallons and I have a 55gal. I also got a fire shrimp at the same time ordered them from SWF.com. They came in great health hope I don't hurt them.