Help my new fishy :(


New Member
My new false percula (3 days) is not settling down in the tank. I've tried feeding it a few times (frozen brine shrimp) and I have only seen it eat 2 small pieces. Besides that, it is darting all over the place :( It is restless! I am so scared to just come home or wake up one morning to see my fish being eaten by the crabs or something...
I have a 12gal nano, 3 weeks old, with snails and crabs, LR and LS, water param is perfect. Please help me, I don't want to lose my first fish :help:
Thanks so much!


Active Member
Fish are like five year olds. Our five year tried to complain about what was on the table for dinner. We told her this is what's for dinner~you don't have to eat it, but you're not getting anything else tonight to eat. So eventually fish or kid they get hungery enough they'll eat what's served.
Do keep an eye on the clown for any signs of diesease or sickness.
Good luck!!!
I have a pair of false percs too, it takes them a couple days to settle down.
I feed mine frozen brine shrimp, blood worms, and mysis shrimp from time to time.


Active Member
How big is the perc? A 12 gallon nano is awfully small for percs. They can grow to 3 inches. Gobies are the more perfered nano tank fish. Can you post a pic of the little guy?


New Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
How big is the perc? A 12 gallon nano is awfully small for percs. They can grow to 3 inches. Gobies are the more perfered nano tank fish. Can you post a pic of the little guy?
it is about 1.5 inches tops. They didn't have ocellaris as the time and so I went with the false perc. I know I can only stick to those 2 types of clown for my 12 gal nano. I am thinking of adding a goby or blenny in about a month or two. I really would like to go slow with my tank because as I already know, nothing can happen faster than disaster...I am only thinking a max of 2-3 fish in my tank.
I am going to get some mushrooms and polyps today so maybe that can help my clown to settle down. What other corals would you recommend for my tank?
Thanks so much for the response! :)


Does the fish settle down at night? Also does the fish have a good place to hide like a nice rock cave, a peice of PVC piping, or a clay pot. My clownfish always eat almost immediately and I have 4 pairs of them. Try to get your hands on some full sized live brine shrimp and soak them in selcon. You can also try mysid shrimp, blood worms, finely chopped clam, table shrimp, or scalops. Any frozen food not eaten should be removed to avoid polution. Get some pepermint shrimp to eat the excess foods. Are these wild caught or tank raised. Also try to keep your hands out of the tank and keep things like lighting, temp, and salinity as stable as possible for your fish. Don't add anything else until he settles down especially fish. Keep your eyes out for disease your fish is stressed and very suseptable to disease. Good luck.


Active Member
I am going to get some mushrooms and polyps today so maybe that can help my clown to settle down. What other corals would you recommend for my tank?
Thanks so much for the response! :)
depends o what type of light your tank has. Usually mushrooms and buttons are easy.


Originally Posted by im_a_piranha
ocellaris as the time and so I went with the false perc. I :)

Ocellaris are false percs
Ocellaris = false percs
Just thought you might want to know.


New Member
Thanks so much for your responses :) I got my corals and fish seems to be settling down! It is eating a bit too :p
Thank you!


Stray voltage popped to my mind when I read your post. I bought a grounding probe at my LFS which plugs inot the wall and soaks up any stray voltage in the tank from pumps and such. Its a good thing to have either way, so you don't electrocute your fishies.
Hope your fish is settling in.
Oh, and I also had a 12 gallon nano and I would recommend only 2 fish max. I know its not what you want to hear (and I ended up upgrading to a larger tank so I could get a third fish), its what is going to be best for your system and your fish. I would think really hard about having more than 2 fish in there.