Hey Aqua, the oxygen test for the bag of water, I got ya. Yea,I just got a new skimmer, running for about 2 weeks. Before that, I had no skimmer for about 2 months, but I didn't really have any stock. I do have a 30 gal sump/refugium with cheato. But you say glass tops -? Are you talking about the ones on top of the tank. I have two glass tops, on each side. I leave them cracked open on the back,maybe 2inches on each side. I was thinking of removing them, and adding those white egg crate stuff they have at Home Depot,but I never got around to do it.
I was fear of a fish jumping out. So you recommend, taking them off, and putting those crates -? I always thought the Tusk are strong. I guess I'll pass on the next one, and get a better stocklist. Maybe an Emperor instead of a Queen, I gotta do some research. I'll get a better kit and work on the water changes
I was fear of a fish jumping out. So you recommend, taking them off, and putting those crates -? I always thought the Tusk are strong. I guess I'll pass on the next one, and get a better stocklist. Maybe an Emperor instead of a Queen, I gotta do some research. I'll get a better kit and work on the water changes