Help my poor clown



My clown is very sick and I don;t know what to do.
He is gasping for breath and he swims to the top every once in a while seeming almost to jump out of the tank then sinks to the bottom and sits there. I just added LR cured and thats when it started, how can I save him?


I'm out of Ni tester i ONLY HAVE pH tester left
pH is 7.5


Active Member
What happens if you were to take the new piece of rock out? Do you have any ammonia pads? Or carbon pads? They are like filter pads hat go in a wet/dry? I use greenex when my fish get stressed. Could you go to the fish/pet store?


Active Member
I would put the carbon in there incase you accidently had something on you hands. What is the temp? DO you have a powerhead? It sounds like I really won't be able to help.


I have ther carbon filter in but no powerhead I do have airigation bubles though, :scared:


Active Member
has the damsel picked on the clown? My damsel used to bit my fish, and leave marks that you couldn't see until she bit it about 20 times. See if your clown has any bit marks. How long has your tank been set up? How long have you had the clown? How long did you acclimate it?


Active Member
Keep me posted about what is going on. I know that my 2 clowns that I have had for about a week preferr the top of my tank. They have this spot on a piece of lr in my tank they really like. They are both only 4 months old, and very small. I noticed when I firsted added them they were breathing rather hard, but it calmed down. I think they were just unsure of their new surroundings.
Let me know how things turn out.


My damsel is scard of my clown ( the clown chases him a lot when he was healthy, I set up my tank 3 mounths ago and I put the clown in 3 days ago I accumalated him by puting the bag in the tank for a half an hour then I added small amounts of water over a 2hour period then added him to the tank


Active Member
It sounds like you accimated him right. Without a test kit there is nothing that i can really tell you to do. How big was the piece of rock that you added? Maybe you could do a small water exchange if you have any water. Whenever I have a problem with my tank I usually do a water change. About 10% which in my 46 is 4 gallons. If you have any water you could try that. Like I said without any water parameters I really can't be of anymore help to you. So try the carbon, take the rock out, and do a water change. Let me know what is going on in the morining. If the fish is still alive, take a sample of your water to the fish store, and have them test it. Then buy the appropriate products to fix the problem. That is about it. Keep me posted.


My clown just died, See ya little buddy RIP

thanx for trying to help.
the oly thing that i can think of that happend is when my sleve dip in the water by accident it let detergents get into the tank and killed him over a 2 hour period. looks like I have to drain my tank and start again. Heres a pic of the little guy I miss.


Active Member
carbon should get detergent out. Do not drain your tank until you get a test kit and test your levels and see what is wrong first. You might have had a little ammonia spike from the lr that you added. I would get a kit and test the levels. I think thatyou are only supposed to add about 5lbs at a time to an establish, r already cycled tank. Sorry to here about your tank. I don't think you will need to drain it. A test kit is soething that is essential to have for your tank. I bought a red sea test kit that test all the basics, and important things in a tank. It did cost $50, but I have had it for a year, and it is not expired and it gives me the same readings as my LFS.


ya my damsel is doing fine so I won't drain the tank till I test it, tomorow I will buy a test kit and see just what went wrong. I'm going to let my tank cycle for a coulple mounths before I try out a clown again I just hope that it is more sucsessful next time.
when adding LR are you suposed to wash it in fresh water first cause that I diden't do. It sux to that here in Toronto SW fish are overpriced I paid 40.00Can for my clarkii clown. and waited two weeks for my order to come in. Oh well I'm not going to give up I'm sure many newbies have lost fish in the begining. poor little guy.
Should I wait longer then two mounths to try a clown again?


I got the LR from Downtown pet center 280 Spadina, but I got my first piece of LR from there and it seemed to be fine.