Help my Poor PIcasso!


I've had my huma huma since the establishment of my tank 8 months ago. Last week I noticed him rubbing against the rocks in quick motions, like he was scratching himself. Well, today I look at him, and it looks like he has little white spots on him. I'm so afraid that it's ick, please tell me it's not.


What other fish do you have in the tank?
Do they show any signs of white spots?
What do the white spots look like (grains of salt, pimples, etc.)?
Where are the spots located on the fish?
Please answer these questions as soon as possible so we can help.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Whether or not it's ich, it will be a problem, but you caught it early, so don't worry. Explain it further, and in the meantime find the CAUSE of the problem. Once in a while these things happen, but usually there is a cause like stress or high nitrates that make the fish more susceptable to parasitic attack.


Few more questions:
1) Are the white spots on the fins only, body only, or both?
2) Is it acting ok otherwise...(eating normal, any rapid breathing, etc...)?
3) About how big are the white spots (1/8in or very small like salt grains)?


Sorry so long to reply.
The spots are all over the body on my huma, and there seems to be a few spots on the fins of my clown trigger. I moved my cleaner wrasse into the tank and he's been busy eating the ick off. I also puchased some Greenex and dosed the tank. The wrasse has eaten a lot of the ick off the huma, and both the huma and clown keep stopping by him for a cleaning.


using grennex in your display tank is not good. if u have lr, it will absorb some of those medication. are u sure those are iches, cause trigger are VERY VERY VERY hardy.
did u observe the fish closely, cause my

trigger, sometimes dig holes in sand bed, and get all the sands on him.


Well, the cleaner wrasse looks to have eaten all the ick off my triggers. But they do still have some spots and white coloration on their fins. I think I might discontinue the use of greenex and proceed with garlic soaked food and the cleaner wrasse. I'll keep you posted.