Help! My Power Is Out!

so tonight starting at 10 pm until 8 am my citys power is going to be off and im worried about my tank. can anyone give me some advice?


If it is going to be cold tonight I would wrap your tank in a blanket to keep heat loss to a minimum.


Originally Posted by stephenthefish
so tonight starting at 10 pm until 8 am my citys power is going to be off and im worried about my tank. can anyone give me some advice?

go out now and buy one of those battery powered air pump and see if you can find the battey powered power heads! and if its cold where you are wrap your tank in blankets to keep it warm! good luck let us know how it goes!


Active Member
just put blanket over it. they can go w no water flow for 10 hours. just look at it as they r getting shipped to u.


I realize you won't see this until tomorrow because your power is currently out but why the heck is the city turning it off in the middle of winter?


yes cover it with a blanket but i would also suggest to stay up all night and stir the water in your tank every 30 min it will help
not get the fish stressed


10 hours should not be to bad.I just got my 175 gal. tank through a 7 day power outage.With only a part time little generator.That had to be used for more than just my tank and had to be shut off every night.


I had my power out overnight like that and nothing happened. It was during the summer thought. By the time I woke up the power was back on and everything seem normal.