help my rosetip anemone dieing


:confused: yesterday my rosetip anemone was big & beautiful, today it's is all shrunk in it's self and browish stuff is excreating from it. i think it is turning inside out, it has been doing great until last night. everything else is fine, i have a pinktip also and it's ok. but my maroon clown has been going back & forth from one to the other, and as she would do this one would shrink up then the other, i have never seen this happen b4. does any one have a answer so i can understand whats going on.


thanks 4 the replies everyone, i hope your right about it just belching, but it looks like it is melting,your right about one thing it was pretty exspinsive(however it's spelled). she,as i call it,was about 8 inches all the way around, like i said big & beautiful. i'll let you all know if anything changes.


i have 560 watts VHO's, there on a timer, they come on at 11:00 am and go off at 10:00 pm. the lamps are about three months old.


Active Member
Unfortunatly turning inside out is usually not a good sign. Sometimes my rose will wilt for a short period of time but it always re-inflates pretty quickly. A few quick questions: How long has it been in your tank? How deep is the tank and where is the anemone; top, middle or bottom. Is it still attached? What have you been feeding it? Did you add the two anemones at the same time or add one later? Are they in close proximity to each other? Thanks!


Thats a good thought Water and something ive wondered about kinda like a bee an pollen... could be inadvetently stinging the other anemone which is why I dont like mixing species.


Active Member
That was one of the things I was wondering as well. I have heard that two species of anemones can chemically wage war on one another if they are in the same system


We have a mated pair of true perculas and a host sebae anemone. Our male regularly rubs in a large leather and a bubble coral, as well as the anemone, with no adverse effect to date (3 months or so).