Help!!!!! My shark is sick

you got some pretty cool tanks! for the stingray, I might put the plan into action:D , by any chance do you if sting ray are jumpers? The tank might be the topless ones with a uv and simple filtration with protein skimmer? anything else I should add, these are just ideas, for know


I use just simple filtration like you described. I would recommend a cover, if they get startled it's possible they could jump our of the tank.


With any large waste makers, you have to do water changes. Other than that they're fairly easy to keep. It's pretty easy to get them to eat from your hand and they seem to like having their back stroked. There's some pictures of them under sting ray pictures if your interested. I have what are called yellow sting rays, I origanally wanted blue spots, but I've heard that they don't ship well and can be difficult to get to eat. I've actually have 2 female yellows, 1 male yellow, and 1 male cortez. If you have any more specific questions your welcome to e-mail me.
AC, thanks a lot for the email, my computers kind of slow, but I will send another email later on in the near future, but just to ask about the silversides, where you looking for freeze dried silversides?


i just have a question about the sharks. Where do you get them,and how big of a tank would you probably need?