My starfish is losing his legs. Some background. Friday night I added three red leg hermits and three turbo snails. Saturday I added a cleaner shrimp. Before then everything was fine. I've had the starfish a couple weeks. On monday night I noticed the starfishes leg about only 3/4 as long as the others. Tuesday morning more of his leg is gone and my blue damsel is dead. I've had the damsel since the begining, cycle and all. I can't believe he survived that but somehow now is dead. Now two legs are only half length and the rest of the ends are not right. I consulted the local LFS and they tested my water and confirmed the water is fine. He said something must be picking on it. Is he right? I never see anything bother it, but everyday I come home from work he looks worse and worse. Other inhabitants are two blue leg hermits, long spine urchin, two snails not sure on the kind, feather dusters, and thats all. I have the starfish seperated right now to see what happens, but what should I look for and what else can I do. Could the hermits be the culprit? After reading some posts I see acclimating can be a big issue. He was acclimated for two hours. He never has been very active, and now he won't eat at all. He is crumbling like. Is there any hope?